Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [noun pl] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of our , some of our er community centres are in fact run by volunteers , some of them are run , er most of them in fact have a very large substantial volunteer input .
2 String manufacturers are under no real pressure to provide standard gauges , Martin .
3 All of Johnson Matthey 's money borrowings are in foreign currency to finance the groups overseas subsidiaries .
4 And you can find out just what Kenneth Clarke 's budget plans are by watching Central on Tuesday afternoon .
5 Some Women 's Action Groups were at the forefront of strike activity , sustaining its momentum ; indeed , many of the women involved were opposed to the final return to work , which they perceived as a capitulation by the men , after great hardship which had achieved little in tangible terms ( Young , 1985 ; Witham , 1986 ; Bloomfield , 1986 ) .
6 A : What Gillian 's aerobics sessions are like HA HA HA HA B : What aerobics sessions ?
7 SINGER Michael Bolton 's wedding plans are at risk after his lover , L A Law actress Nicolette Sheridan , told him : ‘ The straggly long hair goes or I go . ’
8 There is a methodological issue worth drawing out here , for this business of replicating — or failing to replicate — someone else 's research findings is of course what ‘ the scientific method ’ is supposed to be about , at least according to the standard philosophy-of-science text-books .
9 Having been exporters for decades , Japan 's car makers are at last becoming real multinationals , with factories all over the world .
10 STRUGGLING tycoon Donald Trump 's bedroom secrets are to be plastered all over American TV .
11 Orbach ( 1978 ) , for instance , suggests that the solution to women 's eating problems is for them to develop more positive feelings about their physical , sexual , intellectual , and social selves .
12 And some dreams , I 'm not saying Katherine 's is , I 'm sure it is n't , but , but some people , some people 's anxiety dreams are of that kind .
13 The general rule is that the efficiency of a country 's intelligence operations is in inverse proportion to the number of agencies it operates .
14 Last year , Britain 's clothing exports were worth £2 billion ( 20 per cent up on 1989 's figures ) .
15 It 's 1926 , and Harlem 's wonder years are in full swing .
16 By 1927 , Capone 's business operations were worth $60 million .
17 GDA 's business counsellors were in great demand during the year , with over 28,000 hours of business counselling given to clients .
18 The IMF has therefore taken fright at the thought that with the economy still in recession , the Government 's tax revenues are at best static , while spending on unemployment benefit and income supplements are rising in line with the unemployment figures , and the deficit on the Chancellor 's own admission is set to reach £37 billion this financial year and £44 billion next .
19 This summer 's skate sessions were amongst the best but the endless rain was a drag .
20 His saddle was sheathed in lamb 's fleece and the horse 's curb chains were of pure silver , yet , for all that gaudy finery , it was the British officer 's face that caught the attention .
21 Many of Britain 's waste managers are in the aggregates business ; the two French giants began as water companies ; Browning Ferris started life as a haulage company ; some of the German companies are owned by electricity utilities .
22 The foreman of the Lord Warden 's Forest Rangers was with him and they came out twice a day to the lip of Steep Ridgery , early in the morning and again towards sunset , to look out at the smoke .
23 On July 23 Kuwait told a meeting of the UN Compensation Commission meeting in Geneva that the country 's war losses were between $50,000 million and $100,000 million .
24 British Rail 's Superstaff awards are to be presented in May and the Transport User 's Consultative Committee is taking nominations for the most customer care conscious employee .
25 After ordering that Ward 's court costs were to be paid by the British taxpayer he called for both prosecution and defence in fraud trials to declare their hands to each other before the start of a serious fraud case in an attempt to speed up the proceedings .
26 And chief executive George Grey is confident that current growth levels can be maintained , ‘ All the group 's development projects are on track , including the notebook workstation being undertaken for IBM Corp .
27 And chief executive George Grey is confident that current growth levels can be maintained , ‘ All the group 's development projects are on track , including the notebook workstation being undertaken for IBM Corp .
28 Hong Kong officials said negotiations with China to end the dispute were continuing and that the colony 's border guards were in a state of ‘ high alert ’ in preparation for a possible influx .
29 Thirty years later London 's traffic planners were to be haunted by the ghosts of these proposals .
30 Worcestershire 's ground developments are at the contemplative stage .
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