Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [noun sg] say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The girl 's defence solicitor said she was now living at home after months in a children 's home during family difficulties .
2 The institute 's auditing committee said there are limitations on the auditors ' ability to know the systems as well as the directors , or to challenge directors ' judgments on activities and risks and the solutions they have adopted .
3 Swindon 's Conservative MP says he 's feeling got a because planners on the local council have discovered his new garden fence does n't have planning permission .
4 The head of Whitby 's cargo trade says he is hopeful new business can be attracted to the port , following the collapse of the weekly service from Norway .
5 The makers of tonight 's televion programme say they were constantly intimidated by police and the military as they filmed a convoy .
6 Chief Insp Dick Copeman of Cleveland Police 's traffic unit said there were three men and one young girl in the car and all the younger men could think about was themselves .
7 Canon Reggie Twaddell of St Mark 's Parish Church said he had received letters of condemnation from as far away as Crete , Cork and Kilkenny after damage to the stained glass windows .
8 The council 's housing officer says she 's got to go back to her flat with an injunction , otherwise she 's making herself intentionally homeless , and he says the arrears are £4OO , that 's impossible , the DHSS has been paying it direct !
9 In the last year 190 families contacted the council 's housing office saying they were homeless .
10 Thailand 's health ministry says there are about 80,000 prostitutes in the country ; the police reckon there are at least eight times that number .
11 Oxfordshire 's Health Authority says it can not afford £200,000 each year to keep it going .
12 Members of Oxfordshire 's Health Authority say they simply can not afford to maintain the beds which are mainly for elderly patients .
13 The girls who sign up for fashion 's survival course say they could n't imagine life on the other side of the camera .
14 CHESHIRE 'S Chief Constable says he will not introduce a full-time armed unit .
15 Meanwhile , Pencom 's software operation says its co-Xist X-Windows development environment for NeXT computers ( UX No 402 ) , is out on October 15 and costs from $420 for a run-time .
16 Lewis 's family lawyer says they are considering suing for compensation .
17 A statement read to the coroner from Richard 's family doctor said he 'd been expelled from Millfield for throwing a brick through a teacher 's window .
18 A potentially crippling problem arose last week when hundreds of policemen from the 17,000-strong security force said they would not take part unless they were guaranteed proper living conditions and pay rises .
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