Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [that] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One classic er case that only occurred a few years ago and it was way before bonfire night , but erm , people working from home to try and make a little bit of pin money , a young lady had taken on the task of putting sparklers into five into a little bag for a particular manufacturer .
2 Since most of our reporters have been around not nearly so long , last week 's story that mistakenly located the Cumberland Arms in Coronation was understandable .
3 There was nothing in the girl 's present that remotely matched up to his past .
4 If Belinda had been a more devious soul , she might have thought to suggest that Deana 's harping on the subject of Dr Russell spoke rather strongly of a crush on her side as well , but Belinda was n't devious , so she simply blushed even more and found on the desk in front of her a diabetic patient 's chart that suddenly needed her urgent attention .
5 A labourer 's cottage that still stands at the edge of the former wood was a one bay dwelling , open to the rafters , built by John Hughes in the 1580s and enlarged by the Hanmers during the seventeenth century .
6 It was not the UN 's fault that heavily armed SWAPO guerrillas violated the Namibian peace deal in its first hours by crossing the border into the territory ( see page 75 ) .
7 Yet it was Leo 's betrayal that so twisted the knife inside her .
8 After a low-key opening day , the Aberdeen tournament burst into life on finals night when Alison Bowie beat Emma Donaldson in a five-game women 's final , and then Peter Nicol inflicted defeat on Mark Maclean in the men 's decider that also went the full distance .
9 But it was the moral part of the New-Right 's package that really put the cat among the pigeons .
10 It 's understanding the whys and wherefores of a dog 's behaviour that really pays dividends .
11 According to the head of the party 's Moscow branch , it was a late-night row in the party 's Politburo that finally persuaded Mr Gorbachev last autumn to ditch the Shatalin plan .
12 It was a gladiator 's performance that again calls into question Manchester United 's decision to sell him for £750,000 in the close season .
13 Although the government found the ‘ service city ’ far from satisfactory , it was not until Catherine II 's reign that centrally appointed officials began to take over many of these functions .
14 Recent incidents and events on the environmental stage — beginning , at least in Europe , with the explosion at the Chernobyl reactor — seem to have reawakened that ancient fear of nature 's retribution that so haunted our hunting and gathering ancestors .
15 The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's conviction that both rape and incest should be confined to vaginal penetration by the penis , has precluded any discussion in its Report of gender neutrality in either context .
16 But if Montini was so indispensable in the later stages of the pontificate of Pius XII , why was he suddenly packed off to Milan without the cardinal 's hat that routinely went with the office ?
17 For , if there was one aspect of the Fat Controller 's legacy that still troubled me severely it was the sex thing .
18 Blanche 's antennae were very sensitive at gauging the progress of an investigation but she relied on Dexter to hoover up male gossip that was beyond her reach , idle chatter in the canteen or the gents ' toilet that sometimes hardened into hostility or resentment at some way a case was being handled .
19 With the Anglian team so far in front major interest is now centred on the battle for the No.2 spot that also guarantees a dream ticket to the Premier League .
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