Example sentences of "[unc] [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 I mean what a what I think I 'll probably do is if we can get like erm something that 's obviously our crowd and then either putting , say , Stella back on or something like that
2 Thing was in fairness Martin er er it 's actually the sociability side er both both of you talked about the house did n't you and how , how long you came here and of course I changed it to how , the directions er which you gave me now
3 Okay , now erm , today as you realize with feelings of immense relief is the last lecture of the term , so , so what I 'm gon na do , is to start talking about the er , so called black books of Freud , the set texts in this , in this course and I 'm gon na start talking today about the first , and in some ways , one of the most important of these , Totem and Taboo , and since it 's the last lecture of term , and you probably all forget what I said over the Christmas holiday , and wo n't be able to recall it afterwards , through the alcoholic haze , er what I thought I 'd do today , was talk about Totem and Taboo in the way in which it looked backwards rather than forwards .
4 And er what I did I got everything , you know the , I do n't think it was , and some warm water and I saw that my hands was well clean and I 'd got some very nice little silver spoons , only small ones .
5 Er what you asking me sorry ?
6 erm What I 've I 've had a look at their team on paper , and erm they 're not strong enough and erm you know , they need more than Marvin at the moment ; they need two or three good blokes , they 're a bit too sort of erm balanced really , you know , they have n't got any big fire power , so erm you know , I think they 're in a bit of a spot down there , even though they probably think they 're not .
7 I have n't , I did n't read it actually you sa what you told me .
8 And so I 've tried to open it up er rather wider and w what I 've I 've I 've been put in touch with a a thing called the independent schools , design and technology association , which covers design and technology studies in all independent schools .
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