Example sentences of "[unc] [verb] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you have a frequency meter of any sort , check at pin 10 of IC1 to see that the frequency is between 20kHz to 25kHz ; this might seem a big variation but the design works over this range .
2 An English scholar who visited it in 1887 – 88 found that the atmosphere was mediaeval ; politics and progress were scarcely mentioned , and the talk turned mostly on mysticism , metaphysics and religion ; the most burning political questions were those connected with the successors of the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century of our era ; only the most languid interest in external affairs was aroused by the occasional appearance of the official journals .
3 Section 5(2) states that the trade description shall be taken as referring to all goods of the class , whether or not in existence at the time the advertisement is published .
4 As introduced , clause 54(1) provided that the cash equivalent of any benefit was to be an amount equal to ‘ the cost of the benefit . ’
5 Section 2(1) means that the notice will fail to exclude Bob 's liability for Alan 's personal injuries .
6 Where no form is prescribed for a transaction , or a prescribed form can not be conveniently adapted , r75 provides that the instrument shall be in such form as the registrar shall direct or allow but shall follow the approved forms as nearly as possible .
7 RSC Ord 18 , r8(4) provides that the plaintiff must specifically plead his claim for interest in a statement of claim ( CCR Ord 6 , r1A corresponds ) .
8 Section 423(2) provides that the court ‘ may ’ make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position and protecting victims of transactions intended to defraud creditors .
9 S 248(4) provides that the exemption ‘ does not apply ’ unless the auditors ' report on entitlement is attached to the company 's individual accounts .
10 Anaerobic conditions m er mean that the sugar the dextrose is burnt with the oxygen and actually forms lactic acid .
11 My Lords er my er the Noble Lord , Lord er asked whether the Government would bring an amendment er , er down at report stage .
12 Well it will , they have n't had a free election except for one they had in rather stressful circumstances a few months ago , since oh , the early er ninteen thirties , and one er wonders whether the population could be going to administer to Mr Kohl the same sort of surprise that the British population administered to Churchill in nineteen forty-five .
13 Er it 's just a matter of swapping it round now and thinking about your own home and i like you mentioned , it 's not , if you are in you 're , you 're , you 're still likely to be , well not likely , you still could be er targeted and the burglar who just opens a door and reaches in and takes
14 They 've had er enormous difficulties and er the honourable gentleman will er know that the South Wales police authority committee , its officers and its Chief Constable have er visited parliament er to put their case to members representing the South Wales police authority area and indeed to er Earl Ferrers the minister er responsible for the police and they certainly have n't had any er criticism made of them by his own government and if er he believes that there is a criticism I would suggest that he takes a leaf out of the book of his er , his right honourable friend the Secretary of State and refers the matter so that it can be properly audited and er I think the honourable gentleman knows that when that is done he will see that there is no blame attached whatsoever to the members or the officers of the police authority .
15 Er say that the application has not yet been considered .
16 There is still no indication , as of last Friday , er meeting that the government has anything to say and there 's a further meeting er in London tomorrow which I 'm going to .
17 Erm they had a machine , quite advanced machine shop at the Leiston Grammar School and er interestingly enough that became er used whilst the grammar school was evacuated as a training centre for erm .
18 Section 1(4) states that the duty is : " to take such care as is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case to see that he does not suffer injury on the premises by reason of the danger concerned " .
19 You know because we often talk to artists and we ask you know how it happened and and most of them say like topsy it just grew er that that there 's no planned career but with you with the tours er set and the album set it it seems to be more of a controlled career with you two .
20 The presence of resistor R24 ensures that the oscillation falls very quickly to zero , hence the input to IC7 vanishes and only one of the scoring sequence of l.e.d.s remains on .
21 Tt er if , if , if you go back to some of the things we were looking at last term er er this idea of commercialization tt er argue that the south was a very different type of country to the north , that it is commercialized at least to a much greater extent
22 Er and er well it 's not just one innovative idea er it 's just innovative idea after idea er which is encouraging because it er means that the company is not resting on its laurels er having found an avenue and an opportunity they do n't seem to be content just to sit expanding and developing that and doing nothing else .
23 If the Revenue accept that the court order or agreement between the parties created a settlement on the ground that the interests of the beneficiaries are not of the same quality as the wife has a right of occupation ( see Booth v Ellard [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1443 ) Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act , 1992 , s225 provides that the gain accruing to a trustee on the disposal of settled property shall in effect be free from capital gains tax where during the period of ownership the house has been the only or main residence of the person entitled to occupy it under the terms of the settlement .
24 There is substantial evidence that er demonstrates that the fire was caused by those inside the compound .
25 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
26 Illus.1 shows that the mascarade opens with a récit sung by Hymen , the god of marriage , accompanied by a ‘ harmonie rustique ’ In the musical symbolism of the 17th century , terms such as ‘ harmonie rustique ’ , ‘ concert champetre ’ , or ‘ choeur d'instruments rustiques ’ signify the woodwind instruments that were the inevitable concomitants of bucolic subjects .
27 And then after about two years when Father le realized that the lace trade was going he said , must to put to a trade .
28 If y you , s say that the wife 's income i is , is three , four hundred erm and interest rates go up and then you go over ,
29 The solutions for the π 's suggest that the solution for the aggregate price level is :
30 Could it have been to make up for Cymbeline 's cheating that the Umpire permitted me to find the sacristy so easily ?
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