Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] came to be " in BNC.

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1 With the exception of Speshnev 's subsection , the " Petrashevtsy " ( as Petrashevskii 's associates came to be known ) were no more radical than others who dissented from the administrative and social practices of Nicholas I. The Dictionary of Foreign Words was one of a number of indirect criticisms of the regime to find its way into print in the 1840s .
2 The story of how after his death Bunyan and the Pilgrim 's Progress came to be assimilated by the Church of England is almost as fascinating as that of his life .
3 Was that how Nellie 's Mum came to be having a baby , I wondered ?
4 The state 's bureaucracy came to be staffed by the monopoly capitalists and their friends so that the state could co-ordinate the interests of the monopolies .
5 Chesney Wold , as an older house , is close to the village church ; but this proximity to one 's neighbours came to be regarded as undesirable by the fashionable in the eighteenth century and Regency , due largely to the fashion for ‘ emparkment ’ which will be discussed in the next chapter .
6 The sense is rather that this is how man 's lot came to be , and he should accept it .
7 It may be that Chilperic 's death came to be seen in a new light after the Burgundian wars of the 520s and 530s .
8 The reality of Cook 's visit came to be understood through a relation of the practical reference ( the ships arriving ) and the cultural sense ( what the ships ' arrival meant according to existing categories for interpreting experience ) .
9 In 1874 J. T. W. Mitchell became Chairman of the CWS , and ‘ under his strong hand its activities were , Cole writes , ‘ rapidly developed ; and it was largely due to his personal influence that the ‘ federal ’ principle of consumers ' control came to be the accepted principle of the main body of the Movement . ’
10 Well then in later years t baling came to be a great fashion in Orkney here .
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