Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] for [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Scottish stalwart Ann Packard has received the 1993 Chairman 's Award for services to BAIE .
2 I would therefore vote for a Labour candidate only if he or she guarantees opposition to the party manifesto 's support for abortion to the extent of denying the Whip .
3 All the students had successfully completed Longlands College 's preparation for entrance to the uniformed services course .
4 Referee Alf Buksh ignores the crowd 's calls for Hughes to be sent off after a 69th minute foul .
5 The influence of his mother 's family secured Pyne 's election for Poole to the Parliaments of 1625 , 1626 , and 1628 , but he did little in Westminster .
6 The Government 's decision not to refer Anglo-Welsh 's bid for Palatine to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission has set alarm bells ringing throughout the brewing industry .
7 The contention was that a co-ordinated approach was needed towards the treatment of offenders , and that it was not appropriate for the Home Secretary 's responsibilities for prisoners to be on a different basis from his other responsibilities .
8 Fire-brigade or not , if it had n't been for your bright idea and splendid work and your friend 's race for help to the farmhouse the whole field would be ablaze , ’ said Farmer Olinton .
9 Judge Hoeveler himself , in August 1991 , overruled Justice and State department objections to Rubino 's request for access to such documents [ see p. 38429 ] .
10 Unfortunately this constitutes only the assessment of a candidate 's suitability for entry to an interpreters ' qualifying course .
11 The parliament 's call for pensions to be uprated in line with wages is one which has been fully achieved in only four of the 12 countries ; Britain is not one of them .
12 It is in the purchaser 's interests for dismissals to be as early as possible but the vendor runs the clear risk that the sale may not complete .
13 Rangers have come too far and achieved too much in this season 's competition for Smith to be intimidated by any form of mishap .
14 ESSEX champions Braintree 's challenge for promotion to the East Super League started well in the first of three play-off matches against Pelicans , from King 's Lynn .
15 Furthermore , the listing of Battersea had ensured the building 's survival for conversion to a new use — in that case , as an entertainment centre which the Prime Minister herself had praised and inaugurated .
16 She has written to President Bush offering to hand over part of her late husband 's fortune for distribution to the poor in the Philippines .
17 At least in principle , this can improve the holder 's chances for promotion to a more responsible paraprofessional position that brings higher status and salary .
18 Christina searched her mother-in-law 's face for answers to all the unanswered questions .
19 He had to combat Chamberlain 's appeal for loyalty to his own leadership .
20 More recently I have been on the phone to Minsk , Nottingham 's twin town , in connection with the Lord Mayor 's appeal for aid to the victims of Chernobyl .
21 I have a few erm apologies for absence to er make .
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