Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] is [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I thought Chairman that er Mr is saying that er they would consider any consult with the Union on some of the statements that have been made and I quite er the item D is in fact necessary that er I I I gave no arguments , it should be given consideration if it is come to that and er it will come back presumably to form a proposition of deal with it then .
2 John 's response is to say that they did not need false teachers , or any other teachers for that matter : ‘ you have been anointed ( lit .
3 In any case , the logic of the government 's case is to say that if you are a person on low income , dependent on council housing , and you happen to live in area like Oxford , which has extremely high land values , then you should pay a very high rent , and they assume that they will pay that high rent and they reduce the grant to the housing fund erm on those lines , with the consequence that the Council had no choice but to put the rents up .
4 As liquidator , the official receiver 's function is to ensure that the company 's assets are got in , sold and distributed to the creditors and other persons properly entitled .
5 My Lords , the aim of the Government 's policies is to ensure that patients receive high quality accident and emergency services whenever they need them .
6 The agency 's responsibility is to see that those children are properly paid for .
7 The court 's job is to ensure that the administrator has acted within the rule of law , and has not infringed civil rights and freedoms .
8 The Directive 's aim is to ensure that partnerships that are used as a vehicle by limited liability companies are not exempt from the accounting requirements of the Fourth and Seventh Directives .
9 The Board 's aim is to ensure that offshore financial activities are run properly so that the islands can avoid becoming potential breeding grounds for illegal activities .
10 If that sounded a bit like the result of an army medical board it was appropriate enough : the chief purpose of this year 's conference is to signal that the Labour Party is ready once more for active service .
11 The chief executive of the health service in Scotland , Don Cruickshank , said yesterday that one of the unit 's aims is to ensure that the NHS attracts the best staff .
12 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
13 The Conservatives believe that the government 's role is to ensure that we continue to have a good foundation of basic and strategic science on which industry can draw , to encourage a good supply of up-to-date and creative scientists , and to encourage the right climate for successful innovation .
14 The Inspection department 's role is to ensure that quality standards are properly maintained , without incurring disproportionate costs .
15 Penguin 's motivation is to ensure that a core stock of its titles is always available in the stores .
16 The hedonist 's mistake is to assume that if X + Y has 100 degrees of goodness and X without Y has 10 degrees of goodness that Y possesses 90 degrees of goodness .
17 The vendor 's concern is to ensure that the monies retained do eventually become available provided the relevant liability has not crystallised .
18 A sensible theorist 's approach is to hope that the fat neutrino goes away .
19 WorldView 's brief is to ensure that a user can read a document irrespective of the software that created it .
20 The burden of Nordhaus 's model is to suggest that a democratic economy will exhibit an inflationary bias with the gains from exploiting a ‘ fooled ’ electorate being a higher rate of inflation at point 3 than at point 5 .
21 Another way of analysing the doctor 's duty is to say that , when a patient is near death , a doctor is not obliged to embark upon or continue heroic treatment which has no prospect of benefiting the patient .
22 To say that crime is functional and necessary for society 's health is to say that we must always ensure that we retain a stock of people whom we humiliate , imprison or ( perhaps worst of all ) regard as suitable cases for treatment .
23 In this chapter , a more serious objection to the inductivist 's position is developed that involves a criticism , not of the inductions by which scientific knowledge is supposed to be derived from observation , but of the inductivist 's assumptions concerning the status and role of observation itself .
24 * It is assumed that there are no stocks and all production is therefore sold when produced .
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