Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] and that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He liked to hint that his relationship with Gina was some sort of grande passion and that she was the love of his life .
2 but er , er as I say while I was round there the new town was , was all built and er I found , we found such a difference cos I used to have to go into Old Harlow shopping , I used to cycle before I was handicapped like this , I used to cycle everywhere , and er I went , you used to have to queue up in Old Harlow for the shops , we had n't got anything here at all , no Stow or anything when I first , I mean when I came here nothing , it was just terrible terrible lane up here it was and all these were all ploughed fields and it was really terrible and I had erm , I used to have to cycle into the doctors Old Harlow , queue up , queue up at the butchers , queue up everywhere you had to queue and er , till they built this er the new , The Stow then we used to go to The Stow shopping you know which made such a difference , but er , during my say during my lifetime I 've so , so pleased when the new town came because I wanted to move back to Nazeing where I came from when I first got here because it was such a terrible place there was nothing doing whatever , you know and then I moved erm , as I say after I got round the front there it was more , better really , you know , with all the er traffic and that you could see people going by and that as otherwise it , it was monotonous really in Common Fields , you did n't see much at all there , but you know it was , I quite enjoyed it really , now what else have I got to tell you ?
3 But you were saying about er Australia and that I I think at that particular time more so than now whatever was happening in the British pop scene seemed to just happen all over the world you know .
4 Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in broad daylight and escaped pillory .
5 Er Chairman , yes , if I may just make a couple of , of , of , of , of , comments on , on , on the report side , I , I very much welcome the report back which I think has clarified a number of areas in the inspector 's report and what the services are actually , actually are doing about this one , I think er overall it 's er it , it , it 's , it 's very , it 's very er it 's very er very useful to see er what has been done erm I , I , I , I , I 've been assured by the Chief Officer er on item , item er , item three one at the top of page two , that the operational plans being devolved to individual sch will not apply to operational activity , they will be er to separate activity within the s er sch station , erm I did raise that because I was concerned about one station saying yes we will attend the fire and another one saying we wo n't , which obviously is not appropriate er but with that caveat I , I , I , very much welcome the report , I would like to move the proposals sch standing in , in , in , in , in my name that we commend the report as well as er er what 's on the officer 's erm er , er , er recomen er the re the recommended er resolution and that we send a copy of that , this
6 I hope that local education authorities will have learnt some valuable lessons from this year 's experience and that they will take great care to consider what contingency plans are needed to avoid being caught napping again by a late rush of applicants .
7 A woman spends many years charring in Cremona ; she saves all her money to buy an apartment for her son when he gets married ; her no-good husband , the boy 's father , reappears after years and demands assistance ; she refuses ; when the son is engaged , she relents and negotiates subsidies to her ex-husband , for a suit , a car , a wedding-present ; she organizes a big reception to which she invites all her former employers ; nobody comes except a tennis-star ; there is no sign of the husband ; her lawyer tells her that the girl her son is marrying is her husband 's mistress and that he had already taken over the apartment ; she reflects a moment and decides to carry on with the reception , everything is all right , ‘ if no one notices anything , it is as though nothing has happened ’ ; passers-by are invited to join the wedding-party , which they happily do because the tennis-star is present ; the husband turns up in his new car ; no one takes any notice of him because no one knows who he is , except for the dealer he sometimes does jobs for , who tells him all new cars lose half their value as soon as they are bought and end up on the scrapheap anyway .
8 It 's obviously in the Treasury 's mind and that there will be a factor that is taken into consideration when they do their , er arithmetic er , er about the economy and in the run up to the budget if we can look that far ahead .
9 Frederick did not care to see that these ambitions could only be satisfied at Poland 's expense and that they threatened Poland 's existence .
10 As it was a weekend , all the bigger-wig doctors were not on duty but , knowing of Nigel 's condition and that he had only a short time to live , they brought him through .
11 Thomas seems to have reconsidered his allegiance by 1471 , although it is possible that he actually died on Warwick 's side and that his inclusion among those remembered springs from his father 's later links with Gloucester .
12 Thomas seems to have reconsidered his allegiance by 1471 , although it is possible that he actually died on Warwick 's side and that his inclusion among those remembered springs from his father 's later links with Gloucester .
13 At 5 p.m. a staff nurse joined Miss T. and her mother and Miss T. told the staff nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she used to be a Jehovah 's Witness and that she still maintained some beliefs .
14 The team working on the Elton project says it 's had definite results — increasing some children 's concentration and that they join in more than before .
15 Held , dismissing the appeal , that although an adult patient was entitled to refuse consent to treatment irrespective of the wisdom of his decision , for such a refusal to be effective his doctors had to be satisfied that at the time of his refusal his capacity to decide had not been diminished by illness or medication or by false assumptions or misinformation , that his will had not been overborne by another 's influence and that his decision had been directed to the situation in which it had become relevant ; that where a patient 's refusal was not effective the doctors were free to treat him in accordance with their clinical judgment of his best interests ; that in all the circumstances , including T. 's mental and physical state when she signed the form , the pressure exerted on her by her mother and the misleading response to her inquiry as to alternative treatment , her refusal was not effective and the doctors were justified in treating her on the principle of necessity ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order had been properly made ( post , pp. 786G–H , 795B–F , 796F–H , 797B–F , 798A–B , E–G , 799B–G , H — 800B , E–G , 803C–D , F — 804B , F–G , H — 805B , F ) .
16 The document also stated that ‘ reactionary leaflets ’ which had been circulated in Sera monastery in Lhasa were found at Dorje Wangdu 's home and that he had ‘ distributed symbols of personal protection ’ ( amulets blessed by a high lama ) , brought ‘ from abroad ’ , to monks in Ganden monastery .
17 When you do speak to your target people , it is important to emphasize that all you want is the person 's opinion and that you will phone back in a couple of weeks to find out what they think .
18 She knew he had gone to Mrs Lorimer 's funeral and that he would be unhappy ; Letitia was a good sister .
19 I had no quarrel with them although I was suspicious of them , and doubtless jealous that they had so much of Joyce 's attention and that they could wish to band together with one another .
20 Smith 's job is to make people see he could care less , can do something about Britain 's problems and that his words are worth more than those of Johnny Devaluation .
21 The all-party talks on Oct. 12 proved inconclusive , and on Oct. 29 the SLFP withdrew its support for such talks , claiming that it had lost confidence in the government 's will to solve the country 's problems and that none of the opposition proposals had been put into effect .
22 Mr Talbot refers to a meeting last December at which Kevin Maxwell refused to discuss the transactions for fear of self-incrimination , but says his investigations indicate that certain of the payments were made on Mr Maxwell 's authority and that his response is ‘ urgently ’ needed .
23 So we told him that we were n't interested in tonight 's gig and that we 'd take the money and go now .
24 They believe this to be God 's will and that anything that hinders this is contrary to the will of God .
25 He said his lawyer had persuaded him to contest his father 's will and that he 'd regretted it ever since .
26 Several journalists who covered the event assumed that Alexia was Cameron Nielson 's daughter and that he , despite his name , had married into the family .
27 It was agreed that the revision of the treaty would be completed by the year 's end and that it should come into force before the next summit .
28 It proclaims that this is God 's world and that his values are all that matter .
29 It was only some years later that Jacques learned of the Board 's initiatives and that it had failed because members of the county council had been deeply suspicious of the radicalism associated with liberal adult education in the industrial areas of the county .
30 For years it was believed that the ‘ fanatic ’ Toscanini conducted everything very fast , though it is an attested fact that his Bayreuth Parsifal was the slowest in the theatre 's history and that his famous Falstaff , not to mention a good deal of his Mozart and Brahms , was unusually broad in its pacing .
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