Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [to-vb] to term " in BNC.

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1 A moving and painfully honest account of a mother 's struggle to come to terms with the death of her baby .
2 Throughout 1990 the opposition JLP showed signs of serious internal dissension centred upon Seaga 's allegedly " autocratic " style of leadership , but also symptomatic of the JLP 's struggle to come to terms with its defeat in the 1989 general election and its poor performance in the March 1990 municipal elections .
3 RACE HATE , rape fear , miscegenation , a battle-scarred outsider 's fight to come to terms with the new society — the themes of Ford 's massively influential movie would provide rich pickings for '70s brats in the years to come .
4 In the sonnets involving the Dark Lady , however , with their tortuous triangular structure , the reader does stand apart , watching the poet 's attempt to come to terms with deception and exclusion :
5 At the time of the first interviews in June 1990 the authorities were grappling with the devolution of services to the units and the district 's attempt to come to terms with the new role of purchaser .
6 As JFK was white America 's attempt to come to terms with its violent history so Malcolm X tries to do the same for a black martyr .
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