Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was tackled by forming primary R&T groups aligned with the strategy and objectives of each of C&P 's 11 businesses .
2 For example , an ex gratia payment made to a man moving to further full-time employment in his middle years will obviously not be made ‘ on or in anticipation of retirement ’ .
3 The Inland Revenue has stated that it is not possible to set hard and fast rules to determine whether an ex gratia payment made to an employee who intends to seek further employment will be treated as made in connection with retirement ( p 105 ) .
4 Table 6.1 shows the distribution of PNP Scale l/MPG roles revealed by the survey of all schools over the period 1986–9 .
5 The order is likely to be the largest single low pressure C02 contract awarded for a UK site this year .
6 More than 100 people were arrested in Abidjan , on Feb. 18 as a 20,000-strong demonstration degenerated into a riot of unprecedented violence .
7 at the request of the Policyholder any person ( other than the person driving ) in or mounting into or dismounting from any motor9 car described in the Schedule
8 Introduction to Medau Breathing Movement by Jutta Holler-von der Trenck translated from the German by Hilary Weedon £1.00 plus postage and packing
9 Although born in South Africa , Holmes à Court became one of several Australian multi-million dollar entrepreneurs who profited from stock market dealing under the climate of laissez faire capitalism created during the 1980s by the successive governments of the Australian Labor Party .
10 Each repressor binds with its double-stranded antiparallel β -ribbon inserted into the major groove of the DNA ( Fig. 2 ) .
11 Each repressor molecule interacts directly with the bases through a pair of antiparallel β -strands inserted into the major groove of B-form DNA .
12 The final G7 communiqué referred to the conditions in which global interest rates would be cut , not raised .
13 On leaving the gallery , turn right through the passage and on to the Powder Bridge from where there is a wonderful view of the 15C fortifications built by the architect Benedikt Ried of Piesting and of the towering cathedral .
14 The confirmation came within seconds , along with details of the Orders Group , at Which the Commanding Officer would give his instructions for this , the longest M2 bridge built by the regiment in recent years .
15 Our results show that a single rearranged TCR- β gene introduced as a transgene can quantitatively convert DN cells to DP cells from DN cells that have accumulated in mice mutant for the recombination activating gene-1 ( RAG-1 ) and increase the total thymocyte number to the normal level .
16 Part B approved just over US$987,317,000 for 1990 ( half the biennium total less a US$16,432,600 revision made in the 1988-89 appropriations by Resolution 44/193 ) .
17 I think that B eight was not upper most in the department 's mind when it was making its er views known about a major exceptions policy .
18 The restrictors fitted to the Stage One V8 are easily removed by removing the carbs and pulling the restrictor from the manifold They are in fact aluminium discs with three holes about ⅜″. diameter in each one and are held in by an expanding steel clip Select a suitable diameter tap and tap a thread with a smear of grease on the top to collect swarf , fit a long bolt and lever out with a pry bar Extremely obstinate ones may be split into three large bits with a small chisel and pulled out Clean the debris out with a vacuum cleaner A piece of l/2″ hose taped onto the suction pipe will reach most places in the manifold .
19 But as the Zurich-bound Boeing 727 of Libyan Arab Airlines headed towards Italian airspace , two F104 fighters scrambled from a base in Sicily to intercept it .
20 The question that arises though is if they can bring themselves only within er the er words used by the minister , will they be protected ?
21 And they also contain the standard pr proforma used within the group .
22 Crosland was replaced as Environment Secretary by Peter Shore , a much less exuberant and extrovert character , but a solid , steady man whom I had known over the years and had first met when he was the Secretary of an ad hoc committee formed by the Labour Party — with a few outside ‘ experts ’ such as Dennis Lloyd and myself — to produce a rental policy .
23 They were replaced by a local bourgeoisie and petit bourgeoisie associated with the ascendant manufacturing and commercial sectors , while rural labour gave way to industrial labour .
24 This , this sounds very much like some , er organisation based on the establishment to me that 's what it sounds like which eh , were one would expect .
25 This result is in general agreement with the peak generation estimate of 1.2% reflectance determined from the rapid pyrolysis data published for a German coal by Jüntgen and Klein ( 1975 ) ( Figs. 12 and 13 ) .
26 The professor will be qualified for election as an official member of the board of the faculty ( which has final authority over the proceedings of its sub-faculties ) , and will be expected to serve from time to time on the various standing and ad hoc committees appointed by the board .
27 This document is nice and clear plain English , but quite frankly some of the replies and some of the er , er things understood by the public , can we ensure that we do use plain English , I 've got no criticism with this , this is okay , but when we get the replies to our customers erm that we service can we use plain English , that 's my first point , do you want to respond or can I make my second one ?
28 Alexei features in a 20minute video bought by the borough council for a major anti-vandalism campaign to be launched early next year .
29 Peak generation occurs at about 1% reflectance rather than at the 2–3% reflectance reported in a number of published studies .
30 Sometimes carried out by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , sometimes by chartered accountants , they were ad hoc studies commissioned by the Secretary of State .
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