Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [coord] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 a few years ago when my sons were teenagers I had some nice dripping and I said , you 've never had bread and dripping and I gave them some , I put a bit of salt on , I said , try this , I loved a bit of med bread and dripping when I was your age .
2 ‘ Our ’ was born on the 11 th of Sept. , so we have not yet broken the all female barrier … she 's a healthy 8lbs. 13ozs. & giving & 4/5 hours space between feeds .
3 And I 'm quite sure that what Mr Major will then say if , if er demand and borrowing and so on does take off again , er is that this is because the real economy has improved , but of course it wo n't be true , er and we shall have to pay the price again er at the end of the , of the honeymoon period .
4 Erm the volume i i is tremendous and er one worries about the effect of the surging waters on such an old construction , now we far worse than and consequently the emergency services have had to consider all sorts of alternatives , some of which you see now with the piping on , on the surface of it 's been having a good result the immediate problem , but you ca n't stop there and the emergency team have given consideration to all sorts of other possible temporary solutions in the event or that the pumping failed and er I think that 's possibly where this rumour about erm the railway line arrived but er I think Chairman I 've said enough , we all , we would all agree I think that the emergency workers have performed er I think we 're all pleased to see the army coming in erm and doing what they 've done and erm I certainly er appreciated the opportunity to come in on the old A Twenty Seven through West it took my mind back er many years I can tell you and erm I , I think congratulations all round are due , but I come back to what 's all saying and which I support as it would be a folly when the dust has settled erm to really take a an objective er position and see that er arrangements are in hand channels and things like that will not again be supercharged in the way they are .
5 UK Prime Minister John Major also praised Yeltsin 's response but stressed that the UK did not envisage any cuts in plans to deploy the Trident missile .
6 Whenever anybody started to make fun of Lennie , calling him cuckoo or crazy , George jumped straight to Lennie 's defence and said that Lennie had been kicked in the head when he was a little boy .
7 It reminds me of provincial France , where you can drive through a village on a summer 's afternoon and wonder if the place is inhabited .
8 He has taken Serafin 's measure and knows that he is on top of the situation .
9 She promised the community 's support and help if indeed the parents and their witnesses had to leave the island .
10 Both companies expressed disappointment at Cheney 's decision and said that they would contest the cancellation .
11 This is much more credible than Bourke 's story and suggests that in reality Bourke was no more than a go-between because he had been in prison with Blake .
12 Ed Douglas looks at the continuing controversy surrounding plans to bolt parts of Land 's End and suggests that though the idea may be dead , it 's a long way from being buried
13 I have enclosed our response to Government 's proposals and hope that , despite its late arrival , it will be taken into account before the proposals are finalised .
14 The Polish government debated von Ribbentrop 's proposals and decided that , if granted , concessions to Hitler would start rather than end with Danzig , and would lead to demands for the return of Mazuria , Poznań and Silesia .
15 According to Unify , Galaxy will ‘ pretty up ’ Accell 's look and feel and allow it to hook into other graphical and non-Unix environments .
16 BIIBA wanted a stay of execution on Fimbra 's plans and thought that it had gained such a deal when its chairman , David Palmer , met Fimbra chairman Lord Elton .
17 I wrote to the planning officer on 10 April 1991 enclosing a copy of my earlier letter , and again on 6 July 1991 when the matter was raised in the Minutes of the Land and Properties Sub-Committee , restating the Parish Council 's views and asking that they should be involved in the discussions of the future of the site .
18 It was my intention to carry out Charlie 's wishes and see that his share of the money was distributed equally between his three sisters .
19 Whittaker says there was a five-month search for Archie Norman 's successor but admits that his and Mulcahy 's knowledge of Kerr-Muir as a former competitor at Tate & Lyle was ‘ quite helpful ’ .
20 The court discussed the example of a solicitor 's clerk and said that in such a case it would be improper for him to work for another solicitor in his spare time .
21 Could one really put one 's hand on one 's heart and swear that the Ponting case would not have happened if Harold Wilson had been Prime Minister ?
22 Gould accepted the commission for illustrating the volume on birds for Darwin 's Zoology but left before he saw it completed .
23 While accepting that the tremendous European complication about this can not just be wished away , will my right hon. Friend take note of yesterday 's vote and appreciate that a significant number of Conservative Members voted for that Bill .
24 It is the risk to public order inherent in the defendant 's words or conduct that represents the harm struck at by the section .
25 What is the purpose , for example , of awarding compensation to a person who has acted to his detriment in reliance upon another 's words or conduct when the parties have not reached an agreement ?
26 Geoffrey watched the red flush creep up James Grierson 's neck and continue until it reached his receding hairline .
27 McKeever , Suberi and Van Deventer ( 1972 ) replicated Hines 's experiment but found that neither the magnitude nor direction of visual field asymmetry was affected by the presence of a central fixation digit .
28 The PA report was supposed to justify the Government 's programme and ensure that they could press ahead with what they wanted to do .
29 The Queen agreed to some of Diana 's demands but insisted that she accompany Charles to Korea .
30 And if she did , she would look into Carrie 's mind with her witch 's eyes and know that she knew that it was Mrs Gotobed weeping upstairs , and that she was remembering what Mr Evans had said .
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