Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [conj] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 I think we I think the only way we can actually really do this is is to pick one from area , one from your area , one from area and one from Europe and just have er almost arbitrary er decision but justify it .
2 Well I mean the most of them will obviously go to the cash and er to the er supermarkets and pick it up .
3 He intended to take Papa 's money and use it to keep his long-term mistress and their children ; he laughed at me behind my back … while he pretended to my face that he admired and loved me dearly .
4 ‘ I did n't take Rachel 's money and hide it , I did n't . ’
5 Is it not true that the choice for the British people is between our party , which calls for lower taxes and greater spending by the people , and the Labour party , which wants to take people 's money and spend it itself ?
6 They unrolled the map which had been tucked in Snodgrass 's cloak and spread it out carefully on the ground .
7 He held it out in the servant 's direction and let it go .
8 We slap our catch in the frying pan in Teddy 's kitchen and eat it .
9 The sale proceeds will be used to pay off Heywood Williams 's debts and give it net cash of £65 million to fund expansion .
10 It does not inherit its parent 's heart and remould it into a new ( and possibly improved ) heart .
11 However the plans have been branded ‘ ludicrous ’ by Southport 2000 , a group set up to help preserve the town 's heritage and restore it to its Victorian splendour .
12 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
13 I congratulate my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary on taking action against death riders — I agree with those who have already said that that is a much better way to describe these offenders who are not joyriders — and others who think that it is good fun to take somebody 's car and drive it dangerously , thereby damaging property and sometimes killing people , thus causing appalling misery to those whose lives may be wrecked in the process .
14 I want to build a replica of Noah 's Ark and fill it with animals and prove the voyage could have been made .
15 He ordered Rose to take one of Effie 's legs and lift it on to her shoulders , and McAllister the other , to make it easier for him to help the insistent baby on its way .
16 Enormous efforts are being made by motor and oil industries around the world to clean up diesel 's act and get it in shape to meet the stringent emission standards coming into force before the start of the 21st century .
17 Referring to literature , painting and language , Jakobson shows how the conventions which guarantee a form 's verisimilitude and secure it in public opinion have temporal limits on their effectivity : through time , convention becomes cliche , picture becomes ideogram , genre becomes formula , and tradition becomes prison-house .
18 Let the children be satisfied first ; it is not fair to take the children 's bread and throw it to the dogs ( Mark 7:27 ) .
19 ‘ We enjoy each other 's work and feel it is complementary , ’ he said .
20 If I take this out from under Kemp 's nose and present it to my buyer , I 'm first choice when he needs an agent again .
21 ‘ You can get a man inside it , and they 'll tie a heavy stone to the King 's body and push it down the pipe .
22 If he could weight Newley 's body and roll it into the pond , the ice would seal it off for days ; it might not be found for months , if no one dragged the pond .
23 A master can teach his pigeons to capture another man 's flock and drive it home like a herd of sheep .
24 If you get a basin of water from the old man 's shop and pour it over the man , it 'll help . ’
25 Do n't use the other person 's name or use it artificially so that it jars .
26 But their need for each other was the basis of Rich 's affection for Philip and the source of the older man 's power over the boy who would gratefully take his teacher 's name and put it up in lights half way around the world .
27 Ask for the caller 's name and use it when you talk to them — this shows you are interested in that individual caller .
28 Their doubt is hardening into unbelief ; merely to talk of God is to waste words , to pour water on a duck 's back and watch it run off .
29 All right , so you design a cup and rod device to compress a cat 's testicle and crush it , and when you 've done it a few thousand times over word gets out and you have protests and pressure .
30 Lift your partner 's head and turn it to the left ( see Fig. 20 ) .
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