Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 The order is likely to be the largest single low pressure C02 contract awarded for a UK site this year .
2 Section er , I was very surprised indeed that er Hilary asking for a review of the service because in fact all one 's experience and I am sure as well tells us that this is a success story , it is something that petition after petition that we 've asking to keep it that way , shows that it is one of the services that the County provides which is very much appreciated by the recipients and we ca n't say that in all County Councils ' services but you can say it about er the section seventeen and I think you ought to acknowledge that Chairman .
3 Lord Denning concluded that the proposition did not apply in this case and that there were reasons which a reasonable minister could entertain and so there was no ground on which the court could interfere with the minister 's decision to ask for a ballot order .
4 Greenpeace 's decision to apply for a review follows its successful private prosecution of chemical company Albright and Wilson — the first such private action taken under the provisions of the 1989 Water Act .
5 Sophia 's decision to pay for a private nurse was a super gesture .
6 In the meantime I have returned the draft Contract approved to the vendor 's solicitors providing for a reduced deposit of £2,600 instead of the full 10% deposit of £5,200 and I enclose one part of the Contract for signature by you both where indicated in pencil .
7 The dark hole of the ship 's innards gaped for a moment .
8 It was a beautiful beach , and Breeze 's fingers itched for a paintbrush .
9 Convex 's plans call for a massively parallel machine that will be scalable to TFLOPS performance , in an air-cooled , stand-alone , general purpose system .
10 Convex 's plans call for a massively parallel machine that will be scalable to TFLOPS performance , in an air-cooled , stand-alone , general purpose system .
11 But when she took Lucy 's hand and smiled at her , trying to convey some of the warmth she felt , Lucy 's lips smiled for a half-second and she took her hand away .
12 Man 's mind yearns for a rural existence — where 99.999% of his evolution occurred — but for many of us , mind and body have to take the daily buffets of urban , industrial civilization .
13 But all instances share one characteristic : the author 's words become for a time the transmitters of other voices , voices that come from inside someone else 's head .
14 Lacuna 's eyes closed for a few seconds .
15 Isabel 's eyes closed for a despairing second .
16 ‘ What 's the matter ? ’ she asked with swift acidity , as Melissa 's mouth sagged for a fraction of a second because of the unexpected ferocity of her reply .
17 The boy 's concentration lasted for a couple of seconds after the halt was achieved .
18 There the company 's articles provided for a lien in the above terms .
19 When they arrived home , Liz quickly wrote to the curator of the castle 's museum to ask for a pattern of the dress , only to be told that it had been copied from an 1898 issue of the London Illustrated News .
20 In 1936 he had been a member of the Archbishop 's committee preparing for a conference to be held at Oxford on Church , Community and State .
21 Although such testimony is important , it is a little unfortunate that Dobson 's influence led for a time to an undervaluing of occasional spellings , rhymes and puns .
22 If pressed , many ERM-sympathisers would agree that last year 's crisis calls for a rethink , but few see the need for anything radical .
23 Nicola 's husband hesitated for a moment , rubbing his nose .
24 Abbot Kenneth 's praying hesitated for a second .
25 Indeed , Britain 's forthcoming presidency of the European Commission might be used as an opportunity for the more dirigiste members of Mr Major 's staff to press for a move to the narrow band of the ERM , in which case interest rates must be locked into those of Germany .
26 One example of this is that the CEGB 's engineering costs for a new coal plant are expected to be 16 per cent higher than for the completion of the coal-fired Drax power station while for a new AGR it expects engineering costs to be 20 per cent lower than for the Heysham II prototype .
27 If the system 's charter allowed for a bank governor to be shot at dawn for every month the inflation rate exceeded 1 per cent , it might prove even more counter-inflationary than the Bundesbank .
28 By contrast , where time is not of the essence for the service of a landlord 's notice calling for a rent review , mere delay by the landlord , however lengthy and even if coupled with hardship to the tenant , does not of itself destroy the contractual right which the landlord has to serve a notice .
29 The same conclusion would probably be reached if the tenant 's break notice had to be served before the last date for service of the landlord 's notice calling for a rent review .
30 After the failed offensives of the autumn , Pétain wrote a report which conveyed a barely disguised criticism of Joffre 's bull-headed striving for a percée .
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