Example sentences of "[unc] [unc] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One member of the audience thought that he was Sam Waterston or vice versa and commented on how much he had aged .
2 First because it er offers the Government quite a good reason for dropping the bill altogether , er a er and bowing to parliamentary opinion in doing so that 's not a shameful thing to do , er if it had been able to do that on the other hand it would have the benefit of in=incorporating in its own proposals a measure of continuity and experience which are no there already .
3 With primers described by Jiang et al and synthesised on an Applied Biosystems DNA synthesiser a 157 bp fragment of the K-ras gene was amplified containing codon 12 .
4 The six companies involved in this year 's event are WildCard and Theatrevision from Dublin ; The Decidedly Average Theatre Company from Coleraine ; Clockwork from Galway , and Hoi Polloi and Scarecrow from Belfast .
5 He he was he could plant trees , he could er er you know , he did that and he could see to planting and er er and looking after woods and things of that kind .
6 Erm I do think Charles we need some serious approach er er and deal with this problem .
7 Now the next word is health , because I 've seen no strong reasoning , no strong convictions , that there 's gon na be any advantages in health terms in ter er as opposed to directly managed units .
8 As opposed as opposed to oblique .
9 without any background information on the er sell that has to be qualified .
10 So from a view of the president as impotent and ineffective and helpless you have a view of the president as being er the action man , the crisis manager and it 's Lincoln 's view , the Linc Lin Lincolnian view of the presidency which has survived er an and developed with , with the odd , the odd hark back to a previous , a previous age .
11 Er I 'd always wanted to act even as a kid of fifteen sixteen er and I got into singing before I went into acting and so acting s see that seemed to be a good period to break my life and start again .
12 Slides were incubated with 1:16 diluted patient 's sera and stained with fluorescein conjugated rabbit antihuman IgG antibodies .
13 Keiki accepted this fait accompli and withdrew towards Osaka , but this acquiescence was not supported by some of his followers , who attempted to occupy Kyoto and clashed with troops mainly from Satsuma and Choshú0 fighting as the ‘ imperial army ’ .
14 Smoke on the Water E5/6 6b , Woman in Chains E4/5 6a and Rigging in the Frigging Arête E4 6a .
15 yeah it might be , I do n't know , I think usually Roy does that but I think Dave 's doing it this year or something erm er that tends to be , that tended to be something that I had difficulty with as a student because again you could n't just sort of find one book that , that covered the lecture course
16 And then we miss a number erm er and move to N Y eleven which is a paper which we have put in which attempts to look at the differences between certainly between the N Y C C projections and the H B F projections .
17 This is where we have erm er as opposed to standing here and delivering erm an otherwise .
18 The Council of Mortgage Lenders , in line with the majority of respondents in the ‘ other ’ category , supported the maintenance of the status quo as expressed in the question .
19 Meanwhile , we must accept an uneasy status quo and hope for the best .
20 Add butter and fromage frais and mash until completely smooth and creamy .
21 If that 's the big success that everyone predicts , Donington could keep the European Grand Prix and emerge as a rival to Silverstone when the latter 's contract for the British Grand Prix runs out in l996 .
22 May we offer a piece of advice to people who use W C Fields 's nom de plume when writing to our letters page ?
23 ( i ) Immerse testicular fragments in 10 ml of 0.88% KC1 and keep at room temperature for 8 — 10 h .
24 Industrial output fell by 4.5 per cent in the first quarter of 1991 compared with the same period in 1990 , falling in the engineering sector by 14.2 per cent but rising in the food industry by 13 per cent .
25 Carbon dioxide will be the supreme test of commitment and anti-pollution technology , but , as has been noted before , it is so omnipresent , its natural cycle so great and its sources and sinks so difficult to determine accurately ( one assessment in early 1990 downgraded the amount mopped up by the oceans by 50 per cent but came to no firm conclusion about where the unaccounted for remainder went ) , so closely linked with economic growth and its man-made sources so hard and expensive to restrain that it is difficult to imagine a protocol which will be globally effective .
26 In 1987 school fees rose by an average of 11 per cent as compared with an inflation rate of 4.1 per cent , but despite higher fees the independent schools are growing by about 6,000 pupils a year , and by the end of the century they are expected to account for 8.5 per cent of the school population .
27 Inflation continued to be high , although official statistics indicated that inflation in 1989 fell to 68 per cent as compared with 75 per cent in 1988 .
28 In 1989 exports , an important gauge of economic activity in the principality 's highly industrialized economy , rose by 14.5 per cent as compared with the previous year ( when exports rose by 5.2 per cent ) .
29 Liechtenstein 's economic performance during 1990 was less strong in the second half of the year but by the end of the year the number of jobs had nevertheless grown to 19,905 , an increase of 3.2 per cent as compared with 1989 .
30 During 1990 immigration totalled 60,000 , representing a fall of 9 per cent as compared with 1989 — the first decline since 1983 .
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