Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So if you have a if you live in er er a two-storey house , okay ?
2 And so i i it 's the four organizations together , a and they have in fact come together in order to , to be able to put larger orders , and to pay in advance , so that people are able to budget .
3 A when I go through
4 And er once we 've past that hurdle the other two are fairly easy .
5 That 's National Savings , and to my mind the only good issue they 've got at the moment , and er once you get with index-linked certificates , they were originally the granny bonds that were launched er in the early er late seventies , early eighties .
6 At the levels er that we find in diagnostic radiology , the individual levels of risk are very very low .
7 It 's far better in my view to have a f a more balanced er distribution of the traffic er that you achieve by having er a separate route for the A sixty one to the west .
8 And er so you see on the wedding er card it had on er , Mr and Mrs Shaw request the pleasure of Mrs Abbott at their daughter 's wedding .
9 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
10 Er this week 's production sheet er and I wonder of Ian could bear in mind that he should try and keep an extra ten tonne when he 's looking at his reserves here just in case
11 We 're seeing the end of a long period of Cold War which effectively the West have won because they have kept their defences up , er and I think as Tom King , he was out here last week , has said we need to keep a strong force here to make sure that the Soviets keep their side of the bargain and er start a withdrawal at some stage .
12 And er and I think with Maggie and Eric , you know , er Maggie 's perception of a Scottish , you know .
13 I 'd have to , I 'd have to erm I 'd have to raise it er and I think to be quite honest the er I mean fortunately as I said earlier on Mr chairman there is a Regional Liaison Group meeting on , on Monday er and I have a captive audience of three budget holders , Doug Gill and Phil , erm and raise this with them .
14 Erm , when I drew attention to this , one of the first things I did when I got elected to this council , erm , we get papers back which seem to suggest that in fact the Home Office are funding it at a level which , dare I say suggests that we might even make a small profit , er and I have in fact recently been approached by colleagues from Gloucestershire , asking us how we manage in that er , er exercise , because they 're concerned about the high cost of er , protection for certain royal establishments in their county .
15 Er and you know to really see what kind of erm design , what design can do to the actual living situation .
16 This causes all sorts of complications , I mean if you erm if you qualify as a doctor in Texas er and you go to Massachusetts you have to go through another set of examinations before they allow you to practice medicine in Massachusetts because they do n't accept automatically Texas qualifications , they re regard the ri they retain the right to determine their own standards of procedures in these sorts of areas so their own criminal and civil codes as well as their own political structures so these are major matters .
17 But on average you will find er and you look at people in the pub you look in the bar tonight at the people having conversations and see how many symmetrical hand gestures there are .
18 Yes I think that may be right my Lord , indeed er if we succeed on the way out , get get out of the contract point then of course the plaintiff 's case is that they would have taken that advice and would not have entered into the contract a and therefore on that basis they are entitled to be compensated on the basis that all the losses they unnecessarily incurred by having , being forced to complete , should be recoverable , subject to er litigation of loss and .
19 Well it is it 's it 's planned pretty well as you know we we always take the summer off we never work during the summer because we do our recording and we make our video and then we 're ready for the road and the video 's released and there 's promotion put into it so er if we go to Australia which we 'll go on our next May and June you know it 's a good time out there for selling product as well so we will have an album released before we get out there and and everything will be planned out .
20 er if we go in front of the of our objectives then we 're on there 's obviously more money to spend .
21 Presumably if we 're now looking at commitment in the wider area of search which would draw in many additional parishes , I think in the Harrogate case er something like seven to eight additional parishes , er if we look at commitments there would we also need to revise the housing need figure as well ?
22 and er if they come off the leads you see
23 But I I would n't er if I hear of a girl getting pregnant er you know now now it 's a very common thing I know , but sometimes I feel really sorry for the girls because it 's tying yourself fifteen , sixteen tying yourself down to children .
24 Aye , you know , er , you know , er if I go through there I feel bloody filthy I do !
25 Er if I deal with the er sob sheet now Chairman erm I move the resolutions on the conservative group er that er er the budget er of seventy one point three based on appendix four with the amendments table .
26 My Lord it is pleaded as being a matter of er common practice amongst solicitors in this kind of situation er for such advice to be given and my Lord er if you turn to the folio of their particulars erm which were given I think it 's the final book , what are called the voluntary further and better particulars which in fact were the final particulars er given towards the end of the bundle of documents .
27 But er if you stick to the sort of er top ten , you know the sort of Alliance and Leicester , the Leeds Permanent , the Halifax , the erm the sort of Nationwides , then you 're unlikely to get into difficulties .
28 er if you stick to just just two as a maximum er ah an overhead and a flipchart or maybe a video and an overhead then it actually does n't it really helps not to confuse the audience .
29 Er if you go to Liberty 's in London , the very same thing is ninety pounds ninety five .
30 Erm , the other thing I 'd like to draw your attention to is para six point one , just a little tabulation there , because what they 're saying is that on the number of cuts per specification , that 's what exists now , er three hundred and twenty eight thousand , that 's about the same as this year , er if you go to the hundred millimetre cut , which is what we 're suggesting we do on a trial basis , the cost to the County Council will amount to another hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year .
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