Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cathay Pacific , for instance , will have to wait until 1995 before it can fly the first of the Airbus A330s that it ordered on April 3rd .
2 A and we tended to not bother going back to the client , but giving what we thought he needed , that was the culture of the regional civil engineer ,
3 Three a year which was very nice and er oh well whilst I was there , you see , erm I landed up in , in Peel because I was going on a and she said to me one day this Miss er what are you doing today ?
4 In London , the pound gave up early gains to end unchanged at DM3.0335 and it closed at $1.6080 , 0.22 cents weaker .
5 I , wha when I went to they were quite young and they were toffs there
6 And er that was with a great deal of persuasion er on the shop steward 's part and argument with the management , and pushing the management to introduce it , er that we moved into the fitting departments .
7 Erm , I take the view that we ought to try and make the existing arrangements work and we are fast approaching a very key point er in that process erm I understand that on Thursday , er securities and investments board , the board will consider the er P I A , proposed P I A prospectus and that er within a week or so we shall all be able to read it and to look at it erm and the key point , which really is arises out of what we 're discussing tonight , the key point is what regulatory framework should the P I A place on intermediaries and on er life assurance companies , pension funds , financial advisors generally er in order to ensure that the public interest is protected and that if there are potential frauds erm such as the Levitt case er that we talked about earlier and I think the honourable member in sort of by implication in terms of er community service , er punishments that he referred to , er had also that in mind , er just what should we do to ensure that if there is malpractice and fraud , it 's picked up very , very quickly .
8 Becaus I mean , the the one I 've got here , the one I 've got , erm , er that I taped on Saturday night , there 's seven people on it , and they all keep cutting across each other on it , it would just be impossible .
9 Another example of , of a similar thing er that you mentioned towards the end of your paper was where an external stimulus interferes with dreams .
10 Er like I said about the , I named all the crew chiefs that were master sergeant at , from hardstand one to thirteen .
11 I can have a go but er like I said to you
12 Er and we came with a very strong view I thought certainly to conclusion and I did that er , that those things need strengthening and must be a in taking part of any further distraction er at Heathrow .
13 We went into er and we went into Carmella 's .
14 Er and we lived above the shop then .
15 Er and we found at that earlier stage , they acted largely independently .
16 Put the carpets , put everything in and er and we paid for it and they still go ad now course the national union 's taken it over but when we joined the national union there were two things that er I stipulated before we 'd join .
17 And our mams used to have skipping ropes you know one sat on the chair on one pavement the other one on pavement on the other side , turning a rope er and we skipped for hours there , with our mams turning the ropes for us .
18 Er and they thought of , I mean they thought the world of their their animals and but
19 The F T Associates which is er includes the Economist in Spain was up a lot and Westminster Press was er was down , but of course Westminster Press took a major redundancy charge , they were also bringing on a new plant at Brighton and therefore running two plants simultaneously which is very costly er and they launched on Sunday .
20 Er I 'd always wanted to act even as a kid of fifteen sixteen er and I got into singing before I went into acting and so acting s see that seemed to be a good period to break my life and start again .
21 I wanted to go to Scotland and I remember I came to say goodbye to my parents and that was in the evening and I went by train to Liverpool Street and it was pouring with rain and I had to make my way , I had a taxi across to Euston , you see , and er and I went up th the left side of the country , see , past Carlisle and and then across and across and then and to Greenock er er to Dunoon , you see .
22 and er and I said to Laura , ah I know , I 'll put so I 'll , I 'll , I 'll put something on the big screen so you know , some videos whatever .
23 And I , er and I pretended to be incapable and I , and said I would like someone to go and help me do shopping , home health service would have , come along .
24 And Lincoln was criticized , attacked for this , that er and he said in response to this the attention of the country has been called to the proposition that one who is sworn as the constitution says to take care that the laws be faithfully executed should himself not violate those laws a fairly reasonable proposition you might think , if your oath says to uphold the law then you start going round breaking the law er something wrong here somewhere methinks .
25 They 'd , they had to because there were , they got , when , after the union was formed you know , they were having the rights er but and I think really the hours they put in and the type of work they deserved it , but erm there was a time you know when the bosses were bossy sort of thing , and er and you adhered to that , because you did n't know anything different until erm the unions started up , but erm I know there were one or two processions you know and peer rights and all this that and the other , but erm on the whole it 's er it 's been an eventful life in , in some ways , very eventful and it 's been interesting .
26 Er if they wanted to be on their roller skates or even on their bikes , then they were sort of going around the walkways .
27 and said that Christopher was on interview and er if he got through the first part to the second part he would in the afternoon he would give us a ph a ring , erm but he , by ten to two he had n't phoned so she assumed he was on his way back having
28 Erm I I know it was in the context of a a question you posed to him that er if he had in fact er accepted the County Council 's housing figures er that would have been an appropriate hundred and twenty two hectares would have been appropriate er on the employment side .
29 And then there used to be talking about and er if you passed by them .
30 Oh I do n't , I just , I remember that er if you walked down er Road at night you 'd see him with his mortar board on and his curate by his side coming down to post the letters , and then when all these ladies were in Sammy shop one night being entertained by Sammy erm Father and his curate went by , and old Sammy turned round to the audience and said well if dressing up will get him anywhere they 'll be on the first row in heaven .
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