Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er we we go in and sell the advertising if they er we 'll take over as soon as the current supply runs out we we 'll start offering er and supply it for them .
2 Well er if take it as if threw a b a fence all the way round the the flats .
3 The additional term may be obtained by substituting the vector potential for B in eqn ( 4.3 ) : unc and rearranging it in the form
4 His brother , Tim drove a pick up similar to Simon 's and parked it in one of Banbury 's main car parks .
5 He picked up one of those brown shiny golf-balls that I had seen at Pike 's and rolled it across the desk to me .
6 The result was the partnership which bought Twr-y-Felin in St David 's and ran it for 18 months until Phil moved on to pursue other interests .
7 If your employee is not entitled to SMP , you need to complete form SMP1 and give it to her together with any maternity certificate which she may have given you .
8 I actually invited him when I was Director of the British Film Academy to come to London erm and with the help erm of Brian Coe of Kodak we actually reconstructed about thirty seconds of this two-colour process erm and put it on a screen for our filmmaker colleagues in London .
9 Next enter the formula @FV($B$4 , $B$5/12 , D2*12 ) into E2 and copy it from E2 to E3 …
10 She has taken some point made by a friend whom she names — milia and develops it into a full essay .
11 It is taking System V.4.2 and putting it on top of Windows 3 .
12 It is known that the regulatory protein p4 efficiently displaces σ A -RNA polymerase bound at P A2b and directs it to the adjacent but divergently transcribed P A3 promoter ( 14 ) , transcription from P A3 being negligible in the absence of p4 under the ionic conditions used ( 22 ) .
13 She wrote a note on a postcard she had bought in Siena about the acqua and slid it through Giovanna 's letter-box .
14 If it were vital as a reagent — for example to introduce a carbene — we would generate it in situ and use it under a fume hood ’ .
15 ‘ These people got abusive because we would n't take their drugs so I just grabbed this bag of s*** and poured it over the floor .
16 In this case , fill in a Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee .
17 Fill in the Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee without delay .
18 If your employee is still sick when you have to stop paying SSP , fill in the Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee without delay .
19 If this shows that no SSP is due , fill in the Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee .
20 For most of the black and white pictures , I used a Leica M6 and shot it with a similar approach to The Family .
21 It is taking SVR4.2 and putting it on top of Windows 3. x as a Windows application .
22 You might be tempted to attribute it to lowish wage rates ( at the Brasserie ? ) , but a good answer would produce figures to justify this assertion ( you know both the staffing structure and the total wage bill for 1983 , at least , so you could work out the average gross wage per annum and relate it to what you knew about catering wages for the period ) .
23 In Excel PMT ( interest , term , principal ) calculates the amount would pay you if you borrowed principal for term at interest% per annum but returns it as a negative quantity — i.e. the amount you pay .
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