Example sentences of "[unc] [adj] [noun] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It 's , it was , it was er er sheer coincidence that Beverley had been to Crete the year before and I said to Jackie we 've been to Yugoslavia four years , do you want , do you want a change or do you wan na go back to Yugoslavia , she said well I 'll , I 'll have a look , I said how about , how about going to the Greek islands for a change
2 And I think the er inward investors that Professor Lock is referring to in terms of the German car manufacturer er the information that we have is that those were the very factors they considered and erm North Yorkshire is not short- listed .
3 She had shuddered at the thought of trying to explain her feelings to her parents and her sister , but then David 's heartless implication that Jennifer was n't worth her concern had shocked her beyond measure .
4 It was in MacLeay 's suburban garden that Gould saw his first living wattled talegalla or brush turkey roaming freely among the chickens .
5 He had reaffirmed , he said , Pakistan 's long-established position that Kashmir was a disputed territory , the future of which had to be decided by a free plebiscite under UN supervision .
6 The move has caused immediate suspicion among Belgium 's Flemish-speaking majority that Pierre Godefroid , the chairman of Sabena , has favoured a deal with France in deference to the wishes of the largely Francophone Belgian establishment .
7 It is with Chaplin 's personal life that Attenborough sloshes around the whitewash like a demented house-painter .
8 Jack had very decided misgivings about Minto 's impulsive suggestion that Warnie should live with them .
9 Allen told a conference prior to the company 's annual meeting that March calling volumes were strong , ‘ even discounting for some weather which popped it up a bit . ’
10 The hypothesis that St Polyeuktos was deliberately modelled on descriptions of the temple is reinforced by the poem 's explicit claim that Anicia Juliana had ‘ by her church surpassed the wisdom of Solomon ’ .
11 Throughout the careers described has run a thread common to them all , the confidence in one 's own abilities and one 's intrinsic worth that Somerville instilled .
12 It 's only thanks to Clark 's quick thinking that Richard did n't lose his sight and the pellet from the airrifle went into the back of his head rather than his eye .
13 But nevertheless this week 's startling news that Nicholas MacMahon , the four-year-old Mozart-loving computer genius , could talk and read before he was a year old set me wondering about my own wild-eyed nine-month-old infant .
14 It was only when she began to spend time at CBS 's corporate headquarters that Wilson realised just how congenial the atmosphere at Virgin had been by comparison — particularly for a highly motivated woman .
15 Charlie stared up at his mother 's framed photo that Becky had hung on the wall .
16 Husameddin 's circumstantial statement that Molla Fenari passed Ramadan 821 in the Zayniyya medrese in Cairo presumably derives from some source and , if true , would to some degree strengthen the case for Husameddin 's interpretation of the signature in so far as it would show that Molla Fenari did leave unusually early for the pilgrimage which he did not in fact make until 822 .
17 A few radical spirits were interested but most sympathized with Baldwin 's long-held view that Mosley was ‘ a cad and a wrong ‘ un ’ .
18 It was probably England 's good fortune that Inzamam was preferred to him in the four previous Tests .
19 He blamed France for the delay , which he said was caused by Paris 's continuing insistence that Strasbourg should be confirmed as the permanent site of the EC Parliament 's plenary sessions .
20 In France , it was thought by Louis 's noble counsellors that Henry III 's homage had been far too dearly bought .
21 Soviet troop withdrawals from Czechoslovak territory were completed in June 1991 , but the bilateral treaty with the Soviet Union was delayed by the Soviet Union 's initial insistence that Czechoslovakia should not conclude any treaties with a third party without consultation .
22 It was supported by Lorton 's apparent belief that Dougal had taken the money ; but that could be no more than bluff .
23 The TCCB hopes to persuade the world 's cricketing nations that England has more to offer than the sub-continent apart from hard cash .
24 Its liberal recommendations reflected de Gaulle 's own view that France had to satisfy African demands for development , not with a view to eventual decolonization , but on the contrary in order to tie the empire more securely to France in the postwar era .
25 One may indeed go so far as to assert that the Japanese occupation of Indochina was the key issue in the conflict between Japan and the US which led to the attack at Pearl Harbor ; and after what was , initially , a rather lofty approach to the problems of Indochina and Southeast Asian security , America 's final demand that Japan remove its forces from both China and Indochina ( 26 November 1941 ) was met with the equally final Japanese rejection which manifested itself at Pearl Harbor and the invasion of Southeast Asia .
26 The disagreement follows China 's recent assertion that Britain was responsible for the crisis of confidence in Hong Kong and that Whitehall had ‘ connived ’ with locals who were attempting to overthrow the Chinese government .
27 It was probably in the course of Hazlitt 's three-week visit that Joseph Cottle also arrived , finally persuaded by Coleridge and Wordsworth that he should travel down to spend a few days discussing the intended volume of poetry .
28 Hence the social positions of the university 's new class that Bourdieu describes in Homo Academicus are ‘ ill defined ’ and have their ‘ future surrounded with an aura of indeterminacy and vagueness ’ which ‘ allows students to perpetuate as long as possible … an indeterminacy of social identity ’ .
29 Blagg 's touching faith that Maxim would save him from murder charges in two countries might at least mean that he would stay where he was and do nothing — for once .
30 This was seen as a very significant move , given India 's longstanding insistence that Kashmir was an exclusively bilateral issue , but subsequent statements by the Ministry of External Affairs emphasised that purpose of the meeting was purely to give information and that India was not asking for international mediation .
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