Example sentences of "[unc] [adj] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Using Ca 2+ -imaging techniques it has been shown that tetanic stimulation elevates Ca 2+ within dendrites and spines .
2 Erm we have er increasing pressures it seems to me for er a lot of er non-agricultural developments in in the countryside .
3 Erm but I think the important thing is that Jung on whom this er particular theory it 's based on his
4 you receive , last year , income was twelve thousand five hundred and sixty one pounds , er next year it does go up slightly because we did n't receive any tennis club fees last year .
5 When I see Rachel 's trembling face it makes me gasp like I 've been hit .
6 In six of the survey 's eight categories it took one of the top three places ; it took top place ( see table 3 ) in its ability to attract and retain the ablest employees , its long-term investment value and its community and environmental responsibility .
7 In Prague 's second spring it has been superseded by the hustle and bustle of an emerging democracy — a society full of the good , the bad and the ugly .
8 But until Deane 's late winner it seemed City were on their way to a precious point after manager Brian Horton made an inspired interval substitution .
9 The Rowley Mile was certainly no place for a scantily-clad 56-year-old , but needless to say in Piggott 's extraordinary case it made not the slightest difference .
10 After the hours spent in Luke 's disturbing company it came as a relief to hold a light , uncomplicated conversation with an ordinary guy .
11 Even on the ramp 's first weekend it had a visitor from the States , a Mr Keith Stevenson who is probably better known as Bill Runaway from Thrasher magazine .
12 But when she resisted the charms of Hollywood 's legendary romeo it hit an all-time low .
13 You see , this really , this this parable i is the story of of , of something which is lost almost by default , it just wanders off , it just goes it 's own way it did n't set out to be lost , it did n't choose you know that i , it did n't go through earlier on in that day , in the little brain that the sheep has , there was n't the thought going , I am going to deliberately get lost today !
14 But the little dog I went , I took a friend to collect her little dog from the vet it 's had a double hernia , has n't it , double hernia , it , it had a tremendous operation dear little thing , but she said he had a wart under he 's eye and on it 's own accord it dried up and dropped off .
15 In publicising one 's own methods it becomes only a short step to maintaining that this personal success is general success and can be achieved only through this personal approach .
16 At a glittering prize-giving dinner in Liverpool 's Adelphi Hotel it beat 150 other company journals to win the British Association of Industrial Editors Gold Award for an unprecedented second time .
17 He pointed out that peasant opposition to government did exist , but on account of Russia 's huge distances it expressed itself more by evasion than through open fighting .
18 The flight had left London originally on Christmas Eve in another aircraft but after an hour 's flying time it had developed trouble with its undercarriage and had to return to London .
19 erm last year it went to Manchester did n't it ?
20 not because of if i any importance it has , but simply because in that way the centre of the room .
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