Example sentences of "[unc] [adj] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm well I did n't actually hear about it , I 'd already known that sch that such schemes existed .
2 At least 159 people died in the worst ferry disaster in Scandinavian history when the 10,500-ton Danish-operated Scandinavian Star caught fire in the North Sea on the night of April 7 .
3 Somebody actually writing in , as somebody did yesterday , because they want to deliver erm some w some elderly ladies want to deliver some goods into an area wh where tr traffic restrictions exist , and they want some help so that they can actually park their car whilst they unload .
4 In human jejunum there is an inverse relation between water absorption and perfusate osmolality but below 250 mOsm/kg this inverse relation seems to disintegrate .
5 But after the weekend killing of 23 Pakistani UN troops , a new Somali-language radio station called on the 18,000-strong multinational peace-keeping force to go .
6 ***The Liberal Social Union comprised the Czechoslovak Socialist Party , the Agrarian Party and the Green Party .
7 And I think it 's I would give very great weight to this partic these two criteria put together and and I think they should be made more explicit sir .
8 I think that really does lead us back to the starting point which is the County Council 's view that er er that comprehensive study needs to be done as a matter of urgency and steps are being taken to get that work moving very soon now .
9 Er a letter from er that deaf society asking whether to join up .
10 Oh , it was eighteen months I should imagine , I was doing quite well , I 'd been praised by the head electrician and everything , for further advancement till er that particular incident stopped it .
11 Well , well er well it is , because I mean so many go for the sa da damn same job do n't they ?
12 in Barbados and er some young chaps had saw me lying on the beach and er they stole my bag and they stuck a gun in my face and freeze lady , you do n't do any thing , you just let them take what they want and its a horrible feeling when your there , we were there for three weeks and it just totally spoiled the holiday but the ramifications of it do n't just stop once you got on the plane home , it was very frightening
13 But he was completely er this old boy come down to me so he said that old boy 's left .
14 In fact er they subsequently confirmed that the real truth of that was about half about two thousand er six hundred flights using , using Stansted , er , er , at the moment , erm the issue that , that leads us to is whether or not our transport should change er the er level of restrictions that they
15 DPP v K [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 1067 applied Caldwell to assault occasioning actual bodily harm , but that decision was overruled in Spratt [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 1118 ( CA ) .
16 You 're talking about er three thirty mil going out at a premium price , erm your one litre at an economy price and your two litre back at a premium price .
17 And the he had er these two men had started up then they started up and i They 're still there to You know what i mean , I do n't know if there 's the same men are there , but 's still up in Street .
18 Good , cos that means I can get this er these two rooms painted .
19 Miracle Squares I think there 's a lot of thought gone into it you know , it ca n't be easy to re er to , to just dream up a game erm , I like the one about you go to the last supper and the waiter spills soup on your trousers , the waiter , ha tell you else about the Marx brothers an'all , the waiter is er the king of Snowdonia and it 's Groucho Marx , the , they 've got this massive hall , and er these big steps leading down into it you know and as , as they 're coming in there 's somebody at the top and Ann says who 's , who 's walking in and they walk down the stairs you know and Mr and Mrs and the king has you know and he says oh the king Snowdonia is about to arrive , he should be here any minute now , he should be here dead on this time you know , he gets these big fanfare trumpets up da , da , da , da , the king of Snowdonia , and there 's nothing and all of a sudden it flashes to Groucho Marx and then he 's in bed with
20 Have you ever been in love ? , are you now ? , button one for yes , button two for no and in this hundred , woof ninety three people have been in love , what , what happened ? ,
21 And er , on that message , er , it seems , er good enough time to say that 's er , all we have time for as far as the phone calls are concerned on the Breakfast Call this morning .
22 A lot of people , some , some people well you should of and and er many other people say that this would n't go through , particularly them the going through the tunnel .
23 So consequently er poor poor people live shorter lives and they suffer more chronic illnesses .
24 Er all these people gawping at everything .
25 it save a lot of money er all these pensioners get 'em all shot off
26 Er Tax-Exempt Special Savings Account , from the , from the banks and building societies .
27 *Muhamet Kapllani Foreign Affairs Ndricim Karakaci Defence Hajredin Shyti Public Order Fatmir Zaloshnja Justice
28 In I think things have ticked over er various little things have been sorted but all internally without resorting to outside help .
29 er they also brought out some a good range of lighting fittings er , which you still see about again used well I , I remember putting one , you saying about putting lights at different levels , erm a staircase which was in a new house which was architect design and built and erm , the staircase was er more or less centrally in the house rather than be stuck against one wall and so it had a well and down the centre of the well we strung one of these lights with er five different glasses suspended on black flex five black flexes and erm these were shades made of heavy glass er the glass was n't painted it was coloured all the way through , er and erm they were called er Chelsea , Chelsea glasswork and erm these each had a lamp inside them well er about three inch diameter cylinders actually about eight inches long and they were hung at different heights er so that the lip behind the staircase and also of course there 's a staircase being where it was , it was in the centre of er , a , quite a large hallway for modern stand for modern standards and erm it of course was a feature of the hall as well .
30 And at that time the hosiery finishing union had perhaps got eight hundred er nine hundred members spread over perhaps eight factories .
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