Example sentences of "[modal v] get out [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 We all thought right okay , we 'll get out for a few days and matters 'll come to a head , get sorted out and we 'd be back at work , happy as anything you know , everything sorted within a couple of weeks .
2 If , if er if you were on a case er well if you could get out for a , for an hour in the afternoon for a walk , but that was about all .
3 Many otherwise inexplicable early divorces are about proving that one person can get out of a trap and another can let him or her go .
4 There 's an amazing amount of feel that you can get out of a guitar that you could never get out of any other instrument .
5 What the Russians want is technical help and equipment , now our own industry is in decline er yes , particularly in machine tool industry , and I think the first thing we should do is to go over there and see what it is they actually needed , what they actually need right now , er one of your previous er correspondence , er speaker turned round and said well they 've got half finished buildings and things like that , I mean er , people have got to be put to work because people in co-ordinate employment is the only source of real wealth , but the market economy is n't interested in promoting real wealth , I mean it 's only interested in what it can get out of an economy not what it gives .
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