Example sentences of "[modal v] get [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We must get back to a rigid pattern , with players in the right holes .
2 Envoy Philipp Jenninger and President Kurt Waldheim should get on like a Reichstag on fire
3 You two should get along like a house on fire as he 's by way of being quite an authority on horses these days .
4 No I , well I 'm gon na , yeah okay , but I mean she , well you 're gon na be , you 'll get up in a moment now wo n't you ?
5 I want to leave by about ten tomorrow so I 'll get on to a garage first thing in the morning and hope they can fix my car straight away . ’
6 We all thought right okay , we 'll get out for a few days and matters 'll come to a head , get sorted out and we 'd be back at work , happy as anything you know , everything sorted within a couple of weeks .
7 If you follow course one , you 'll get off with a caution or three months ’ community work .
8 Maybe I 've strayed into another world and I 'll get back through a looking-glass .
9 And they 'll get back on a winning streak by putting the ‘ Ell back in Elland Road — just like it was in the glory days of super manager Don Revie and hard-man skipper Billy Bremner .
10 You did , you always said I 'd get off with a cat .
11 Anthony left instructions that you could get up for a couple of hours if you felt up to it .
12 I could get on with a man like that .
13 ‘ When you needed an extra pair of hands in a hurry so that you could get on with a job , Roger was always the first to drop what he was doing and help you . ’
14 ‘ If we could get a decent job , have somewhere settled to live , then we could get on with a proper life .
15 If , if er if you were on a case er well if you could get out for a , for an hour in the afternoon for a walk , but that was about all .
16 You 'd think the punters could get by with a mere half-dozen of these monthly publications , but no , they need more .
17 Though before she could get in with a quick plea for an interview , Vendelin Gajdusek revealed that he had not for a moment forgotten the way in which the Dobermann had attached himself to her ankle , by decreeing , ‘ You 'd better come into the house and have some antiseptic put on that wound . ’
18 I mean i i if you could get in for a penny a week that was alright because when things got better you could build on a penny a week , you see ?
19 One might have hoped Frodo would get up on a block and speak to everybody , impose his will .
20 I still found the argument extraordinary , but I also had to take into account the fact that if Nigel retained this stance then the committee meeting would have to be postponed and the whole exercise would get off to a terrible start .
21 Erm for another reasons , which we shall get on to a bit later , there may be a great deal of confusion , er memories may not be clear or well formed , um people , according to some theories and ideas , people may be under-reporting because um y'know it helps them maintain their eq equilibrium a bit better .
22 If he pleads guilty and begs for the mercy of the court , he may get off with a fine and deportation .
23 I wonder if we will get down to a workforce of zero if that is as competitive as we can get . ’
24 It makes far more sense to do two for the first day , then you can judge how many you can get through in a day from those two .
25 she can get on for an hour
26 Now anyone can get in on a Wednesday with $8 and a business card .
27 If you are uncertain about whether or not you can get back with a reasonable margin of safety , make a safe landing while you can ; a planned approach into a poor field is better than an out-of-wind crash into a good field !
28 If he does make another comeback though , it would not be surprising if he wins a fourth title because , if he can get back behind a wheel six weeks after being so close to death , there is no knowing what the courageous Austrian can do .
29 That way , unless I 've really laid it on thick , I can get along at a cracking pace .
30 Many otherwise inexplicable early divorces are about proving that one person can get out of a trap and another can let him or her go .
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