Example sentences of "[modal v] get [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow I must get up the Library steps , for if I can get in there before they reach me , they wo n't be able to duff me in .
2 It may be true , as you say , that most types of continental facility can be found in Britain ( if you look hard enough ) , but conditions on the continent are so superior that visitors to this country must get quite a shock .
3 ‘ I must get back the sack . ’
4 Perhaps as often as once a month , depending partly on the amount of dust in the air , you should get out the drive cleaning kit and service the heads in the way I 've described before trouble starts .
5 Well think , if you concentrated on that a bit more instead of just doing it any where in the air you might get on a bit quicker .
6 ‘ Only I think they might get just a bit mixed up . ’
7 ‘ I might get only an hour , or perhaps only half a game from him .
8 He said , " I 'll get out a plan of operations for you , Mr. Fairfax , and work out the value of any Forestry Commission grant it might attract .
9 Well I think what I 'll do yeah is like when they 're trying to clean my window I 'll open the gu and shoot er open the window yeah and I 'll get out a gun and shoot them .
10 Just as soon as you are better " — and she meant both of them — " we 'll get out the carriage and go down to that sweet little shop of Miss Adeane 's to buy bonnets and shawls and order new dresses .
11 ‘ But I overhear people 's conversations , and sometimes I 'll get off a bus and follow them if I 'm interested ; or I 'll stand beside people pretending to be looking at something or reading , but actually listening to them .
12 That 'll get down the back of your throat , that 'll choke you .
13 Sun got Adobe 's source code in the deal , a reasonably rare occurrence , but Adobe figures it 'll get back a lot of implementation improvements .
14 Make your voltage twice what it was , and keep everything else fixed , you 'll get twice the current .
15 ‘ If no one else turned up we 'd play three pots in , at night we 'd get nearer the light in the pub car park and try to play in the pitch black .
16 The fridge-freezer otherwise you 'd get up every morning and you 'd have a right mess in your cupboard would n't you ?
17 ‘ My life 's insured by the department , ’ he explains to Felicity , ‘ so that if anything happens to me you 'd get both a lump sum and a regular income .
18 I thought she 'd get rather a lot of cheap publicity . ’
19 He 'd get out the camera and I 'd pose for him .
20 I 'd get quite a bit now
21 No I would n't splash it all out but I 'd get quite a bit cos of the twenty years .
22 I 'd get quite a surprise because very s small number of men in the shop .
23 We 'd get quite a lot of people I think .
24 It had been bought by a northern brewery who could n't believe that they could get over a pound a pint for their best bitter despite what they 'd heard about Londoners .
25 No Er the girls sort of say things like perhaps ask her , Do you have any We could get on a bit more so they do n't include themselves in what they 're going to do .
26 You could get quite a lot from this book , either by reading it as a whole book , or by dipping into it either as you need to know something , or simply keeping it handy and reading the occasional topic when you get bored .
27 I thought if he heard her nonsense directed at someone else he would get back a sense of proportion about it .
28 He felt that he knew the English character and , although he would n't hurt Ludovico by articulating it , he was sure that the sort of English girl who would get off a train and move in with a stranger would very soon be travelling on .
29 For one who , when left alone would get out the frying pan , pour in a little oil — I had converted from lard — and then proceed to fry a mixed grill of bacon , eggs , bread , mushrooms and tomatoes , the idea of pulses and sprouting beans were as alien as the little bug-eyed monsters from outer space .
30 Let's get out a computer disk .
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