Example sentences of "[modal v] never [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A salesperson should never abandon hope of winning an account .
2 They should never lose sight of the fact that the investigation of aircraft accidents by an independent and competent authority is just one more facet of the pursuit of safety in the air .
3 Whilst such systems are powerful tools for marketing analysis and direct marketing campaigns ( indeed , such profile codings have been shown to be highly predictive when incorporated into credit scorecards ) , the credit marketer should never lose sight of the fact that these are likely profiles and there will inevitably be a small proportion of targeted customers whose actual profiles display a disparity from the system profile .
4 It may be convenient to think of an arms race between two lineages such as cattle and grass , or gazelles and cheetahs , but we should never lose sight of the fact that both participants have other enemies against whom they are simultaneously running other arms races .
5 You should never apply pressure to the spine itself , but the strong muscles either side can take firm pressure .
6 Size and length are important , but it 's the gigot that breeders must never lose sight of .
7 For we must never lose sight of the fact that the issues involved are moral ones ; and that though doctors may be experts in medicine , they are no more competent or qualified to speak on moral issues than you or I.
8 But at the same time we must never lose sight of our over-riding duty to win elections ’ ( emphasis added ) .
9 ‘ We must never lose sight of what a tremendous weapon being cost competitive is for ensuring the survival of jobs and businesses . ’
10 He must never lose touch with her .
11 ‘ I 'll never set foot in this bloody flat again . ’
12 You know when all this court business is on , and they had two hours at recess so he went to look at the cathedral with Steven and mum mentioned it and , and she said oh I think I 'll go and have a look round she said when all this is over cos dad , suppose he 'll never set foot in Norwich again and I said oh that 's silly cos it 's a , it is a lovely city .
13 You 'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again — Julia Phillips ( Mandarin , £4.99 ) .
14 You 'll Never Eat Lunch in this Town Again ( Mandarin , £4.99 ) is film producer Julia Phillips ' famed and vitriolic insider account of Hollywood — not so much in the raw as the crudité
15 Or I 'll never eat dim-sum with you again . ’
16 Now i i in one shop er you 'll never hear mention of politics , it would be all football , football man , football this , football the other .
17 effect of a Wurli I mean , that 's the beauty about it you , you 'll never get hold of a Harley Davidson , but you might get hold of a petrol cap .
18 He 'll never come back of his own free choice , she admitted .
19 You 'll never find Corosini on your own . ’
20 ‘ He 'd never set foot outside Zimbala before he came to Oxford .
21 I really enjoy this — usually I 'd never make time for it .
22 And how many men staggered out of Fatal Attraction swearing they 'd never dare flirt with a woman again ?
23 We could sell his story but we could never make money from other people 's suffering … ’
24 But Surere could never make love to a woman .
25 He had a clean , bare style ; when writing he seemed to be able to slip the burden of his personality as he could never do face to face .
26 They 're they 're the sort of things that you could never get hold of , you know , that we always kept ourselves .
27 My wife and I could never see eye to eye on the business of living .
28 ‘ I could never put Dad into a home . ’
29 No matter what the intellectual window dressers did to make these boys seem less attractive , the fact of the matter is Guy Debord could never play guitar like Steve Jones , and the only Society Of The Spectacle anyone in rock ‘ n ’ roll is interested in nowadays is that of Messrs Bausch & Lomb of California .
30 There was no time to question her motives ; she just knew she would never mention fitzAlan to this man .
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