Example sentences of "[modal v] still be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Put them in a saucepan of salted boiling water and cook for about 8 minutes ( they should still be slightly firm . )
2 It is extraordinary how a nation so characterised by class difference should still be so timid about immortalising its own class struggles in place names .
3 It may therefore not be entirely idle to try to hazard suggestions as to why the field should still be so open .
4 ‘ Pawing ! ’ she exclaimed , and illogically started to feel angry that this swine of a man she had given her heart to should still be so ready to think the worst of her .
5 It might seem odd during a period of so much innovation and advancement in photographic technology that a film developer formulated in 1891 should still be so popular today , over 100 years on
6 It may seem odd that during a period of so much innovation and advancement in photographic technology that a film developer formulated in 1891 should still be so popular today over 100 years on .
7 At the same time it would be wise for Geoff Cooke and his team to recognise that the squad should still be supremely fit after the World Cup and ought not to be flogged to death by being put through intensive squad weekends .
8 ‘ It must still be pretty expensive , though ? ’
9 Why Bart 's must still be around NEXT Christmas
10 You must still be very much preoccupied with domestic matters and seriously considering your long-term position .
11 ‘ But it must still be very little if you are so dreadfully poor , ’ Matilda said .
12 look at all the pigeons again do you want to have a bit more ? , nice are n't they ? , sit up , sit up these are juicy are n't they ? must still be very cold outside , can you see the steam from the boiler ?
13 I mean you must still be half asleep in which it could be himself .
14 But you 'll still be legally entitled to some compensation if the machine is faulty , so it may be worth thinking about accepting a free repair or a replacement .
15 ( They might still be strongly falsifiable . )
16 Artemis was n't afraid of riding tall horses , only anxious in case she might still be too short in the leg to get the best out of them .
17 This would n't tell the bat how far away the tree was , but it might still be very useful information , nevertheless .
18 So even if Tit for Tat is rare in the population as a whole , it may still be locally common .
19 Even if the accused does not fall within s.2(1) , he may still be not dishonest for the purposes of the Act .
20 The patient may still be irreversibly comatose , despite the ability to breathe spontaneously .
21 It may still be too late for the London Zoo .
22 However , the editorial endorsement may still be fairly strong in that the booklet may carry the name of the magazine in its own title such as the " Modern Woman 's Guide to House Buying " .
23 Even if the model is flying slowly relative to the ground , its airspeed may still be quite high .
24 Although the Government signalled in the autumn that growth was the priority , Mr Lamont may still be sufficiently Thatcherite on economic policy to make an attempt to curb the deficit and if taxes have to be raised , the first Budget after the general election is a good time to get it over with .
25 If the transaction is complicated — eg it involves the sale of part of a farm — and there are lots of easements , declarations , covenants , stipulations , etc , then it may still be more appropriate to use a conveyance , notwithstanding the fact of first registration .
26 When they did take place they could still be very costly to those who undertook them : Earl Granville , who represented Britain in Moscow on that occasion seems to have paid £7,000 out of his own pocket for the privilege .
27 ‘ The PSBR could still be around 6 per cent of GDP in 1996-97 , the last year of this Parliament .
28 He will at a very early stage have taken steps to preserve evidence , possibly by photographic and other means , of an ephemeral or fleeting nature such as ice ( if he is lucky the temperature on the ground since the crash could still be below freezing ) , or fuel leaking away from a damaged tank or fuel filter , or soot deposits indicative of fire in the air which could be washed away by rain or other disturbance .
29 However , the discovery of an extensive hot-spring system on the rift floor around the eastern flanks suggests that Namarunu could still be significantly hot at depth .
30 Er in most of them will er most people in Ireland will be in a pub at some stage of the day you know and it 's no unusual thing to er we 've got a recording studio in we live or I live rather and it 's not unusual to walk out the studio at er lunch time with some people you 'd been recording and go into the pub for a lunch and if you were n't very careful you could still be there that evening singing
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