Example sentences of "[modal v] still [be] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But speaking about the possible loss of a new community centre , she added : ‘ The parish council have reluctantly taken the view that the Junior School is paramount at this time but , should land values improve by the time the site is actually sold , the community centre should still be a possibility .
2 Does he accept that there should still be a future for the tube division despite the fact that workers are seeing imported tubes used in the North sea when they are capable of making them ?
3 The report to which I have just referred states : ’ Reserve depletion , especially of oil and gas , must still be a concern for the long-term , but in the medium-term , constraints of supply security and the environment are more worrying than is depletion of the resource base itself .
4 they 'll still be a health service , but peo
5 We 'll still be a team which tackles every situation together ’ , Farr-Jones says .
6 There might still be a chance of escape .
7 On a groan and a sigh as men are supposed to attain their pleasure and then — as she remembered from her one other experience — there came his reluctance to move away from her , her panic urgency to be free of him while there might still be a chance that no damage had been done .
8 However , more recently , in Eurocopy plc v Teasdale , reported in the journal PLC in November 1991 , the Court of Appeal upheld a first instance decision , and dismissed an application to strike out a defence , that in connection with a sale and purchase agreement , the actual knowledge of the purchaser might still be a defence to a claim for breach of warranty notwithstanding a clause in the sale and purchase agreement which provided that no actual or constructive knowledge on the part of the purchaser would prejudice a claim .
9 ‘ It might still be a bit premature to suggest that we have made it if we beat Lithuania , but it would then become very close especially as we play them again in Dublin in September . ’
10 Rose would you consider a man , I 've got an idea there might still be a possibility of Mr
11 But she might still be a hindrance when it came to the rough stuff .
12 Anyway , it might still be a lot of hogwash .
13 He might still be a force for peace and unity in a country that calls itself The Union of Burma .
14 Latest rumours on the government 's forthcoming pay deal for health workers suggests that even if nurses get 0% pay rise there may still be a push for performance-related pay ( PRP ) .
15 You may still be a child but you are the only person in this dreadful place who understands the meaning of care .
16 However , there may still be a choice between different estimation methods ; for example , the first six methods mentioned above use daily closing prices to estimate the daily variance .
17 It is possible that he may still be a candidate for the post of Speaker of the House of Commons .
18 Britain may still be a country where " everything is permitted which is not specifically prohibited " , but the specific prohibitions have become more numerous , without having to justify themselves against the overriding principle of public interest suggested by the Royal Commission on the Press .
19 Even if it is not possible for you to return to your original duties in the near future , there may still be a part that you can usefully play in the organisation .
20 Since airborne sound will travel up through the ceiling into the room above , and from there through the party wall , it may still be a nuisance , even though it is somewhat diminished .
21 I would hope that if the hospitals in England keep the offer open there may still be a chance to get children back .
22 While it may still be a rite of passage , it 's clear that marriage is no longer regarded as a journey without end .
23 Although Smith may still be a distance away from the dreaded vote of confidence , City have lost all three of their matches so far in the international section of the competition .
24 The mechanism responsible for latent inhibition may still be a loss of stimulus associability but we need some new account of how this loss comes about .
25 Whilst there may still be a feeling that a High Court writ will have a greater threatening effect on a recalcitrant defendant than a county court summons , inducing him or her to settle the claim , the changes to the costs rules , and the harmonisation of remedies , will lessen the attractiveness of such action .
26 However , the NIESR says there may still be a need to cut borrowing costs if the change of policy after Black Wednesday in September fails to stimulate the economy .
27 None of this implies that even if such biological elements did play some role in explaining these institutions , the institutions would then be necessary or unchangeable — even if the explanation were true , this could still be a case in which becoming conscious of their rationale was a help in changing them .
28 Well , there could still be a case for investment in such an enterprise if it were shown that the lack of profitability was the result of higher costs than competitors stemming from locational disadvantages .
29 One of my mates is convinced he could still be a rock and roll star .
30 She kept out of his way , too experienced in public disappointment to stray into what could still be a snare .
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