Example sentences of "[modal v] have been [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 To is required with the infinitive in order to represent this movement from a before-position when the event was not yet realized — at which point , according to the speaker , it could and perhaps should have been prevented from occurring — to an after-position corresponding to its actual realization .
2 There is no guidance as to the meaning of suitability or what level of information should have been obtained from the investor .
3 Yet Mary Ann Jones , author of the major American study A Second Chance for Families ( 1976 ) , ruefully remarked : ‘ The money which should have been saved from the reduction in institutional care was never transferred to support the financing of the new community services . ’
4 The likelihood that that would happen should have been appreciated from the outset : if A committed an act of gross indecency with B , it was a strong inference that the converse was also true in the absence of special circumstances to indicate otherwise .
5 Lessons that should have been learned from two similar collisions at Bellgrove in Glasgow and Hyde near Manchester , were not taken on board in time .
6 Lessons that should have been learned from two similar collisions at Bellgrove in Glasgow and Hyde near Manchester , were not taken on board in time .
7 Where a defendant was charged with committing an act of gross indecency with a co-defendant who had pleaded guilty to a charge of gross indecency with the appellant , evidence of the co-defendant 's plea of guilty , although relevant , should have been excluded from the jury , since such evidence would have an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings against the defendant as the jury was likely to treat it as going to prove the defendant 's guilt .
8 A tenant has no right to deduct tax that should have been deducted from earlier payments of rent to a non-resident landlord from later payments of rent to the same landlord .
9 ( b ) Pay over to the Inland Revenue each month all amounts that should have been deducted from uncertified sub-contractors ' payments .
10 Firstly , try our own manager Paul Malone who without doubt should have been removed from the dug-out and whose actions caused a clash which involved the Linfield bench — who in return did not help the situation by their actions .
11 The ugly weal across his throat told its own story of why he was unable to say what had happened , although the gamekeeper believed he must have been swept from his horse by the low-lying branch of a tree .
12 The very next scene must have been recorded from an imperial cruiser in orbit .
13 I came to believe that Yá2wshu must have been descended from the importunate widow , for he seldom left me alone in those early months , and I was glad to crawl under my mosquito net at night , only to be woken at earliest dawn by my faithful and dutiful friend .
14 The man must have been shot from above at close range as he emerged from under the scaffolding .
15 This must have been formed from Cr(CO) 6 by light-induced loss of a carbon monoxide molecule .
16 Wycliffe looked up at the first tier of planks ; the shot must have been fired from up there .
17 The photograph must have been taken from about twelve feet in front of her , where I surmise Summerchild 's desk was .
18 Though it must have been copied from a photograph or something …
19 The eclipses show that the binary system is embedded in a cloud of material which must have been ejected from the companion star , although calculations suggest that the companion is well inside its Roche lobe .
20 The first land plants must have been derived from a marine alga .
21 South and west of the Canaries , the Atlantic extends emptily for thousands of kilometres , broken only by the Cape Verde Islands ( also volcanic ) and two tiny specks of land , St Peter and St Paul 's Rocks , which are not strictly volcanic , oddly enough , but are composed of material that must have been derived from much deeper levels in the Earth than most volcanic rocks .
22 They 'll they 'll have been forced from last Sunday , that was the was n't it ?
23 Unfit scrappers with a weight difference of a couple of stone can slug it out for as long as the organizers see fit and the sport can accommodate fighters who might have been barred from the more formal ring or people who want to avoid the cartels that run the official game .
24 A pink-washed , one-storey , stone building nestled near to it , looking strangely out of place ; it was a prettified building , which might have been transplanted from the South of France .
25 She shone in the lamplight like the black wood from Punt , and might have been carved from it .
26 There was none of the relief which might have been gained from a change of stance .
27 Ferdinand failed to save what might have been saved from the wreck of the American Empire by his refusal to face realities and his obstinate insistence on reducing America to its traditional obedience to his crown .
28 It might have been transported from the South of France , one of those lush semi-palaces I had only seen in photos .
29 Vegetables proved a mixed bag : onion rings so cold they might have been brought from a chip shop in Middlesbrough , saute potatoes very good , others somewhere in between .
30 The experiment was , as might have been predicted from the chairmen 's opposition , a failure .
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