Example sentences of "[modal v] have [verb] such [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this environment it is perhaps surprising that the early factories should have received such hostile criticism .
2 How unexpected , therefore , that Libya should have had such frequent elections — events which are the typical political rituals of party democracies .
3 ‘ She must have had such high hopes and now they have been dashed . ’
4 What , she wondered , could have provoked such uncharacteristic behaviour ?
5 Had a system of funding and quality control been merged , I doubt whether the polytechnics could have achieved such high quality and cost-effectiveness .
6 Enterprising landowners may have developed such valuable assets and erected health resorts similar to establishments of recent centuries .
7 It is plausible that many species may have evolved such implicit computational constraints .
8 Students shall keep the prescribed terms for their courses and at the direction of the Senate may have to fulfil such additional requirements either in vacation or in intercalary periods as may be specified in course regulations .
9 Normally Sally-Anne would have rejected such molly-coddling , but she did feel dreadfully cold , and said so to Dr Neil who said quietly , ‘ It is the usual consequence of shock , McAllister , and for some reason you were suddenly very shocked .
10 Huy wondered whether that eldest daughter , who worked as Reni 's secretary , had helped him destroy the documents he drew up during Akhenaten 's reign , which would have given such priceless ammunition to his enemies , before turning his attention to the newcomers .
11 ‘ I would have thought such good sense would have met with your approval . ’
12 Normally common sense and her instinct for self-protection , much sharpened since her disastrous relationship with Giles , would have outlawed such foolish thoughts before they even reached her conscious mind .
13 Since nearly all High Court judges are appointed when they are between about 45 and 57 it is likely that they will have shed such political enthusiasms as they may have had when young and have formed firm views about how the country should be run .
14 Traditional though that activity is of the students of past generations who have gone into the making of the tradition can have had such impressive aids .
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