Example sentences of "[modal v] also be [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 There must also be condemnation for those who fail to take on the IRA , and the finger must be pointed at the Secretary of State and those who sit behind him .
2 Information that enters the company at one point ( for example the complaints department ) must be transmitted to all personnel whose decisions might be affected by it ( for example , the design department ) , and there must also be systems for the collection of information from outside the organisation that might affect future profits .
3 There must also be room for deliveries of bulk items , taking Institute subscriptions , taking membership subs .
4 Many people wish to be left alone to get on with their own lives and they must be allowed to do so , and there must also be opportunities for different degrees and different kinds of involvement .
5 There should also be incentives for closer working between primary and secondary services .
6 There could also be possibilities for fruitful links between primary schools in different areas of the country .
7 There may also be scope for new approaches to the care of elderly severely mentally infirm people now in hospital .
8 There may also be scope for working with voluntary organisations .
9 There may also be problems for homosexuals in a residential home .
10 When children play with toy animals , cars , lorries , etc. in conjunction with blocks , there may also be opportunities for sorting and making comparisons .
11 There may also be possibilities for some kind of diagrammatic representation of selected information .
12 There would also be compensation for either republic in cases where most of the property of a federal institution was located in the other ( which would apply mainly to Slovakia ) .
13 Alternatives would be offered in the curriculum plan but there would also be opportunity for many other alternatives hopefully designed at teachers ' workshops .
14 Tomorrow ( Good Friday ) the Hants Grand National motocross will take place on the Matchams Park circuit , near Ringwood , but , for the first time , it will be restricted to pre-1965 built machines and there will also be races for more modern twin shock-absorber machines .
15 The unseemly haste is dictated not merely by the Government 's electoral timetable , but by the fear that if the measure is given proper time for debate there will also be time for the real , but as yet nascent , concerns of Tory Back Benchers and their constituents to grow and mature .
16 There will also be awards for best novice and most improved 100K performance .
17 Although such investment will inevitably benefit US companies , especially those in equipment manufacture , steel-making and construction , there will also be opportunities for foreign companies — Clinton has plans for a high-speed rail network , for example , equipment for which is currently not made by US companies — and one can imagine a fierce ‘ Buy America ’ debate over any major public works piece of legislation .
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