Example sentences of "[modal v] just be a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As I discuss at greater length in Chapter 10 , your first visits should just be a matter of getting to know the site , by wandering around .
2 It may well be we decide all we 're gon na send home is the result of the SATS , and it may just be a sheet with the subject names on and levels in , full stop .
3 If the cytoplasm of the egg has a well-defined pattern of constituents which determines the later organization of the embryo then cleavage may just be a way of partitioning this cytoplasmic pattern in the egg so that specific constituents go to specific cells .
4 It may just be a question of getting up ten minutes earlier in the morning or taking ten minutes when you get in from work to be alone and to reflect and relax .
5 This bonus may be given because the employee concerned has no pension rights and does not have an enhanced salary already reflecting this or it may just be a reward for satisfactory completion of the contract .
6 if we start being arbitrary it 'll just be a shambles : at least , let us hope so .
7 It wo n't be in centimetres or millimetres , it 'll just be a number .
8 It ‘ might just be a masterpiece ’ , he said in his report .
9 It might just be a case
10 Barring a last-minute volte-face by the MoD , the aircraft will then be at the mercy of the highest bidder , who might just be a scrap dealer .
11 Well we 'll try and get some erm we 'll look down , the next time I 'm down the library and look and see if they 've got any Enid Blyton because that might just be a way in .
12 And that time might just be a drink or a coffee — as always .
13 As a rule of thumb , when d s get down much below 0.05 , we can regard them as so small that they might just be a sampling fluke ; we will conclude that for all practical purposes there is no effect of one variable upon another , and erase arrows with very small path coefficients from our model .
14 The extra detail visible in the monkey 's brain might just be a consequence of it being bigger than the rat 's , but a comparison between the somatosensory cortices of the two animals shows that this is n't so , for this time it is in the rat that the extra detail is visible .
15 It might just be a trailer .
16 One night and morning did n't give her the right to confess her love when it might just be a burden to him .
17 The celebrations that marked United 's third major Cup — four if you count the European Super Cup — in two calendar years could just be a rehearsal if they land the First Division title in the next three weeks .
18 Oh that could just be a possibility as I thought send dad on a delivery down there .
19 ‘ It could just be a coincidence .
20 Well that could just be a sort of way of life .
21 With the bad weather set to continue , they 're worried motorists simply wo n't learn their lesson , and it could just be a matter of time before motorway madness claims more lives .
22 Of course , for serious devilry the War Bag has to go by itself , and a camera would just be a liability , but I have n't had a real threat for a couple of years , since the time some big boys in the town took to bullying me in Porteneil and ambushing me on the path .
23 It would probably carry on like this for at least another hour , and then the first of the departures would begin ; the ones with an early start in the morning , the ones with teenaged babysitters , the ones who rarely went out anyway … an hour after that they 'd be down to the hard core , and an hour after that it would just be a case of guiding out those last drunks who were too far-gone to find the door .
24 Sound would just be a waste .
25 It would just be a business arrangement .
26 Cos if the the blue fly went there and and maggots got into it , it would just be a job .
27 As I said to Mum , there will be thousands there and if David Markham is one of them it will just be a question of avoiding him .
28 So that re , will just be a couple of reports and something
29 Then it will just be a matter of finding a suitable donor for bone marrow . ’
30 A party , though , can just be a handful of people — you do not have to overstretch your resources or capabilities .
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