Example sentences of "[modal v] just [vb infin] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Strange he should just happen to mention these artistic luminaries.A more direct hint comes when I ask him if he has influenced Government policy .
2 I 'll just finish reading this and then I 'll er go and do give me a smackerooney , look at that lovely face , a little angel , a little angel
3 He 'll just have to drive all the way back home . ’
4 When Granny heard this she just sniffed and said , ‘ Well Morag , that means we 'll just have to do all the cleaning ourselves , eh . ’
5 Erm they 'll just have to sort that mess out . .
6 ‘ We 'll just have to leave that problem until morning as well .
7 I 'll just have to get another job now after
8 Well you 'll just have to get some Brasso out and clean them up wo n't you ?
9 so , the weather had better improve , I 'll just have to buy some more from the milk man
10 You 'll just have to buy this video to see how it 's done !
11 ‘ Someone not so far from here might just decide to take all those opportunities you wax so lyrical about away from you ! ’
12 Well if I could just read read that , a well planned strategy for hou for land , for hous , sorry a well planned strategy for land for housing which ensures that housing is available in the areas where jobs are being being created can make a valuable contri contribution to national prosperity and economic growth , so I say I do n't think we would have that erm valuable contribution if the new settlement were located away from Greater York .
13 I 'd just love to get that .
14 Chairman I 'd just like to vote this man 's attention for one brief minute on Appendix A , er the situation analyses from the work that will go into the Highways Committee service plan .
15 In erm Romans chapter three and verse twenty seven it says that er Jesus died for our sins and I 'd just like to leave this thought with you , that n er just like me , when I could have died the other week in that plane crash , that none of us knows how long we 've got on this life and , however long or short it is , there 's no time like the present to get right with God if you , if you are n't and the only way to do that is through Jesus .
16 Yes , I 'd just like to support this view about erm but I think the construction will tip the balance as to the way traffic going er from London towards will route erm and I think is gon na be the main victim .
17 The sort of things they do in the wild , running , jumping , pirouetting , I 'd just like to say that 's not ,
18 Nice to speak to you , erm , I 'd just like to say that er , take me now as a , as a normal chap from England who looked across right through his life at Russia as the big bad bear and eight years ago I had the opportunity of going over there , just an ordinary chap and er , of course , there 's so much about the Soviet Union we do n't know , we did , we , erm , for instance we were over there in 1982 when they were celebrating sixty years of the incorporation of the saints into the Soviet Union .
19 And I 'd just like to raise this now because I 'll be saying more when we get to seventeen .
20 I 'd just like to make this perfectly clear that I did write a draft for work and leisure .
21 I 'd just like to offer this erm message to Graham back to , to the House of Commons .
22 The Marauders would just like to take this opportunity to wish all areas and divisions a very Happy Christmas .
23 Some of us though , working at the ground , grass roots ma may not know that it goes on , and er , I would just like to take this opportunity of stressing how important it is to , that we communicate within the United Kingdom , and er , support Nigel 's er , suggestion that it would be useful to have a base down here .
24 I would just like to say that erm , it 's not all gloom and doom !
25 Erm I would just like to stress that er again that the structure plan needs to be read as a whole and that there are in fact erm several of the policies in the plan which are certainly encouraging of development , certain forms of development in the countryside .
26 They would dearly like to do away with the garage , and I think the landlady said she would just like to mention that , as their comment on the application .
27 It 's just a pity that the castle itself is a little bit indistinct I mean , when you stand away from it you ca n't er you can hardly see the castle there and er , it is an attractive castle , photographed many times but I would just like to see that shown up a little more in the picture .
28 I would just like to see more diversity of people and styles .
29 The Defence budget would stand buying another catapult tomorrow ; my crossbow would just have to wait another week or so .
30 She would just have to find some way of avoiding physical contact until Dana returned from her trip to Hadrian 's Wall .
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