Example sentences of "[modal v] only [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Expert witnesses may only express opinions on matters properly within their field of expertise .
2 She 's told him trying to get her back may only make life in Pakistan more difficult for her .
3 Although many potential customers may only require parts of the information system , a decision was made that only complete systems could be sold .
4 You may only activate DCs for which you are the associated user .
5 You may only activate DCs in this state .
6 They may be parents or they may only have letters after their name , but what they have in common is this : they know that intellectual perfection and the criteria for measuring it are chimeras .
7 So individuals may only have rights against their government in the strong sense of being immune to the countervailing claims of general utility if those rights may be derived from that overriding principle of equal concern and respect .
8 In some bedrooms , there may be enough space to fit a shower cubicle , but others may only have space for a bedroom basin .
9 However , the arguments which underlie the concept of justiciability can also be used to support the idea that in reviewing government decisions over which the courts are prepared to exercise control , they should only award remedies to aggrieved parties in cases where it can be said that the respondent has gone wrong in some fairly extreme way .
10 A leading microbiologist says people should only eat eggs from salmonella-free flocks .
11 ‘ Fornication and adultery ’ were sins against the ideal that sex should only take place in ‘ a permanent married relationship ’ , ‘ homosexual genital acts also fall short of this ideal ’ , Christians were ‘ called to be exemplary in all spheres of morality , including sexual morality ’ , and ‘ holiness of life is particularly required of Christian leaders ’ .
12 ‘ My jewellery case and all its contents to my daughter Sabine ’ , her will had read , with the added proviso that the bequest should only take place after Hugh Russell 's own death .
13 The criteria adopted by the Court of Appeal in Newell ( 1980 ) were that courts should only take account of characteristics with which the provocation was concerned ; permanent characteristics such as race and , probably , religion may be taken into account , but transient conditions such as intoxication and exhaustion may not .
14 It is applied by adults who read a wide variety of material with a wide variety of ‘ value ’ ( the newspaper headlines , a new best-selling novel , the horoscope for the day , financial annual reports , personality gossip , a Jane Austen novel , holiday brochures to exotic places , hints on cooking rice ) but feel that children should only read things of lasting value and of clearly-identified worth .
15 A senior member of the Donegal executive of the Irish Farmers Association told farmers that they should only buy diesel from a legitimate source .
16 These big events must be properly controlled if ever they take place and they must only take place with police permission and proper licenses .
17 Keegan described the player he is chasing as being the right age and pedigree and insisted : I 'll only bring people in who are better than what I 've got . ’
18 But do n't go around being cross or you 'll only make enemies for yourself .
19 say , if you 've got thirty thousand in , you 'll only get protection on
20 ‘ If you 'll only take hold of this damn bag so I can go I will .
21 In May , 1992 , the regional health authority informed Riverside Health Authority ( the district health authority ) that the unit 's transfer was being reconsidered and it could only commit capital to the unit if the case load was increased and if the unit could withstand a reduction of charitable funding .
22 Hence the chief designer would control the whole product space whereas the detail draughtsman could only change details within the box allocated to his specific part .
23 So now when our crews came back from their missions and we heard snatches of their conversations about long lines of refugees , about cities being devastated , and miles and miles of fires , I remembered Kings Cross and could only feel pity for what these civilians were now enduring ; French , Dutch , German or whatever .
24 Just so long as the two of them were involved professionally , she was at ease with him , but once that link was severed , she could only feel antagonism towards him .
25 We could only acquire areas outside our own boundary with the consent of the two other local authorities .
26 However , the quarter of an inch strain gauge could only record stress on one small portion of the club , while simulation can simultaneously display stress levels on over 1,000 grid points .
27 But it was also true that Great Britain could only view events in Europe with detachment or indifference if the balance of power there remained undisturbed .
28 I am afraid I could only manage part of the meal and I cut out the second and third courses completely , and only had gravy and vegetables for the third , but most people at my table went right through the menu !
29 You could feel the crowd willing it in but it did n't make it and I was beginning to feel it was slipping away , and especially when we could only make par at the 17th .
30 What we need is not so much a point irregularity such as a foreign atom , because that could only facilitate movement at one point , but rather a line defect which will allow the army of molecules , as it were , to sweep forward on a broad front .
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