Example sentences of "[modal v] not [vb infin] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality , and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling .
2 For you must not lose sight of your main object , which is to make money .
3 Which brings me to the point that we must not lose sight of the fact that in rugby terms we are not world champions .
4 The name makes some sense as an enduring survival of bronze age Cretan influence , but we must not lose sight of the fact that it was Evans who gave the Minoan civilization its name and not the Minoans : they almost certainly called themselves something completely different .
5 It is something we must not lose sight of .
6 We must not lose sight of the fact that such decay contributes to crime , and that is something that the Government acknowledge .
7 However , to understand Innocent 's reign we must not lose sight of the chancery and its activities .
8 Whilst doing so , the systems planning team must not lose sight of the overall plan , so that the benefits of the database approach , especially data sharing , can be achieved , and thus there can be better use of the information resource , greater flexibility in its use and an improved ability to meet new situations and applications .
9 She must not allow thoughts of Jake to disturb her and upset her precious peace of mind .
10 Probable misconceptions about a consultant supporter 's role have to be handled , credibility and relevance of one 's own experience need to be established in a non-assertive but authoritative way ; appreciation of the teachers ' professional expertise needs to be conveyed , together with an awareness of the difficulties that can prevent them from exercising it to its fullest extent ; and it needs to be spelt out clearly what such a group would be able to offer and what , together , one may reasonably hope to achieve — one must not raise hopes of cures for all ills .
11 Briefly then , the rule of dovetailing ( like all other artistic laws ) must not take precedence of common sense , but must be regarded as the normal procedure , and deviations from it as exceptions requiring justification .
12 RAPE VICTIMS Newspapers should not identify victims of rape , or publish material likely to contribute to such identification .
13 This specifies that packaging should not carry pictures of smiling babies , no free samples should be distributed and there should be no advertising directly to mothers .
14 On Monday , the Paris Appeal Court ruled that M Touvier , intelligence chief of the pro-Nazi Lyons Milice during the 1939–45 War , and now aged 77 , should not face charges of crimes against humanity in connection with the murder of Jews and resistance workers .
15 Supervisors are concerned that banks should balance their assets and liabilities in each currency in such a way that their ‘ exposure ’ ( to risk of loss on the foreign exchange market ) should not exceed 10% of their capital base .
16 But there is no reason why we should not tell stories of English boys who leave the village and make good in the city — why rural drama should not be found and filmed among the mountains of Wales and moors of Yorkshire .
17 However , there may be cases where the landlord requires that the tenant should not acquire security of tenure .
18 As far as we are concerned , events before the big bang can have no consequences , so they should not form part of a scientific model of the universe .
19 Comments identifying individual teachers should not form part of a general report .
20 But C.C. 's abnormal difficulty in judging vertical symmetry is caused by his neglect for the left of figures , which should not disrupt judgements of symmetry about the horizontal axis .
21 The Institute supports the ASB 's development of a statement of principles , but maintains that the statement should not anticipate points of debate that will appear in future standards .
22 The analysis is logically correct and often convenient for purposes of exposition , but it is only an analysis and should not eliminate consideration of the tort of negligence as a whole .
23 Although most DNA is in the B form , whose structure was originally determined by Watson and Crick , there is no reason why the cell should not make use of other forms as well , and indeed Alex Rich ( MIT ) described a protein binding with high affinity to the left-handed helix of Z-DNA that he first described .
24 Freud did this , even though his explicit view of science led him to think the scientist should not make judgements of this kind .
25 Mr Hattersley said on LWT 's Walden programme , that Labour should not lose sight of its egalitarian ideals .
26 While it is right , and of some urgency , to look at the global environment and to be involved in discussions regarding pollution of our oceans , the greenhouse effect , the destruction of rain forests in South America and so on , we should not lose sight of what is primarily the concern of the individual : that is , the local environment .
27 A great deal of information is contained in the numerous books already cited in this chapter as worthy of forming part of a personal library , and the local researcher should not lose sight of the early comparative data obtainable from the published Domesday folios , and the later in such things as the hearth tax assessments , all of which volumes are well worth places on private shelves .
28 It may cause damage to a part of the person but we should not lose sight of the whole person if we wish to understand what is going on .
29 In our enthusiasm for flying we should not lose sight of the fact that it is a voluntary occupation and therefore subject to the normal law of supply and demand .
30 We move on now to aspects of teaching of more particular concern to the language teacher , but as we do so we should not lose sight of the more general educational context .
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