Example sentences of "[modal v] not [adv] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er and so think er not we should not just have a policy for the we should put some money towards it as well .
2 If your new code begins with a K , you will have more tax deducted than previously from your salary each period , but you should not normaly have an extra demand for tax after the end of the year .
3 You ca n't have an overdraft and you may not even have a bank account .
4 They may not even have a friend .
5 Some of those universities who do demand a dissertation may not deposit copies with the British Library , and may not even have a copy available for inter-library loan .
6 Yet fellow members of a species can understand each other with the greatest of ease , while we may not even have the senses to perceive their communications to each other , let alone understand them .
7 However they 're quick to point out that these are early days and they may not even have the right gene .
8 To recapitulate , it is clear that differences in national legislation may not only have the effect of preventing a good or service produced in one state being sold in another , but may also distort conditions of competition between manufacturers or suppliers located in different Member States of the Community .
9 It is noteworthy that old people may not always have a sense of choice about whether or not to go into residential care .
10 I 've got all the countries blanks might not oh I might not even have the countries on but if you had blanks you could put countries in , that 'll be easier than
11 an opportunity to tackle a problem or task which they might not otherwise have the time or resources to take on ;
12 This way , it was going to be fairly obvious that someone had emptied a bottle of bleach into the punch but , since Henry could not possibly have a motive for murdering the whole of Maple Drive ( as far as the police were concerned , anyway ) , it would be relatively easy for him to gasp in horror and dismay and to take the Wimbledon CID around the places where he had left the bowl of punch unattended .
13 He could not possibly have a Russian father .
14 However , words need not always have a consistent meaning attributed to them : the context may show that the same word bears two different senses even when it is repeated in the same section .
15 Displays of three-dimensional materials can give opportunities to handle and explore interesting objects which pupils would not otherwise have the chance to examine , as well as more commonly found ones .
16 That is why it is wholly inadequate to describe drama as " learning through action " — in drama we learn through thinking in new ways about actions and about decisions we would not otherwise have the opportunity to take .
17 This leads to the following definition of economic earnings per share : subject to the restriction which implies that the present value of new external funds must sum to zero over the life of the firm , otherwise the firm would not effectively have a budget constraint .
18 Above all , as the Commission says , ‘ adopting a single currency rather than having national currencies with irrevocably fixed exchange rates would not only have a symbolic character .
19 However , the fact that the other local minima found by the algorithm were all less than 0.15% greater than this value indicates that the path length would not necessarily have a minimum coinciding with the best probe order in other data sets containing many repeats , a fact illustrated by chromosome III .
20 The discarded embryos would not necessarily have the condition .
21 Because otherwise we shall not even have the most elementary preconditions for this development …
22 Since I shall not always have the courage
23 It is inconceivable that , by the end of the century , it will not also have a common defence identity .
24 Providing explanations for discipline will not necessarily have an immediate effect on children 's obedience .
25 He refines his argument in the light of evidence that nowadays the demand curve for a company 's stock is extremely elastic : ‘ [ t ] hus even large purchases of stock will not necessarily have an immediate and noticeable effect on its price since other stocks are seen as perfect substitutes . ’
26 Inasmuch as this constitutes a methodology , it presupposes learning aims which many students will not necessarily have an awareness of .
27 You will not always have a book available to you .
28 ‘ By sending love for hatred you will so neutralise it that it will not only have no effect upon you , but will not be able even to reach you . ’
29 But the satellite companies will not only have a rising income from subscriptions and a need to invest it in their struggle for a credible share of the viewing audience .
30 Your choice will not only have a profound effect on your future life but also you will have a profound effect on the future life of whichever institution you finally decide upon .
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