Example sentences of "[modal v] not have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1 ) The Consultant you have chosen must not have been involved in our client 's treatment .
2 In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy , there was no reason why Connelly should not have been helpful or why Jones should have falsified an entry in his notebook . )
3 The Government should have made a statement on the way in which the police national computer operates ; it should not have been necessary for me or the National Council for Civil Liberties to prise information from them .
4 Had not the echo of my prayer been upon me still , I should not have been ready .
5 If I had had qualifications I should not have been able to use them legally , and I should have been too hoity-toity to take on the sort of me-nial , unregulated work available .
6 Had someone insisted he had seen me in Romorantin , or further afield , I should not have been able to confirm or deny the sighting .
7 Over such a period , as has already been apparent with Polaris , if we had only had three , we should not have been able to maintain that programme .
8 The wife and the bachelor in the above cases should have been entitled to insist that the confusion be cleared up by a published clarification , but they should not have been able to obtain an award of damages against a newspaper which was not at fault .
9 The whole of tonight 's entertainment looked to me unreal , something like a banqueting scene of an opera , and I should not have been surprised to find the capon under my knife to consist of cardboard and my ‘ goblet of sparkling wine ’ full of emptiness with a rim of cotton wool to represent the foam of the champagne that was not there .
10 When I asked what her name was , I should not have been surprised when she replied clearly : ‘ My name is Lydia . ’
11 It has been suggested that Penda 's political power was in eclipse at the time and that Eowa was the dominant ruler among the Mercians as a subject king of the northern Angles from the mid-630s until his death , possibly in Oswald 's army , in the battle at Maserfelth , but there is no reason why Penda and Eowa should not have been ruling jointly , with Eowa as king possibly of the northern Mercians and Penda as king of the southern .
12 He should not have been ashamed of his grandfather , of course , but his upbringing had been pitiful , constantly on the march from one to another of a whole series of ‘ uncles ’ — there were several between his father and the solicitor — so that he had nothing stable in his life at all .
13 This decision may or may not have been correct , but it was understandable .
14 ‘ Bearing in mind that the essence of the proceedings is whether or not this lady had to give up these premises , it seems to me that , although he may not have been correct in thinking that the relief sought in the counterclaim was a matter for judicial review , the issue could without doubt be better dealt with by separate proceedings .
15 The reply may or may not have been arrogant , but , more significantly , it carried within itself the fatality to come .
16 However , post-war , the rise in divorce rates and remarriage , peaking in the 1970s , means that we shall in future meet more old people whose relationships may not have been lifelong .
17 The editorial was apparently written on the basis of inadequate information and some of the data , as outlined in this letter , may not have been available to Peter O Behan and B A G Haniffah .
18 Secondly , while I heard what he said about the fact that , in the case of Mr. Thorpe , the process in north Devon was not exhausted , the theoretical position remains that the treatment may not have been available in north Devon , but was made available in London by virtue of the fact that Mr. Thorpe had two residences and was registered in two places .
19 Under the old law of larceny he may not have been guilty of attempted larceny .
20 There is also a record of a Spanish ship carrying cloth out of Bristol in the 1460s , and it may not have been untypical , although undoubtedly English vessels were engaged in the Iberian trade .
21 His talents may not have been great but his importance lies in his using them all to express in painting his romantic vision .
22 My actions may or may not have been right and , as I said in court , I wish with hindsight that I had thought more about the late take-up .
23 Their offer was , however , refused and Gloucester may not have been sorry .
24 Their offer was , however , refused and Gloucester may not have been sorry .
25 They may not have been famous , but their contributions have been vital and never forgotten .
26 I believe the former more probable , but the matter is in doubt and practice may not have been consistent .
27 An anonymous memorandum sent to Rome just after his death accused him of storing up great wealth and even of having profited from the neglect of the episcopal estates , accusations which can not be substantiated but which may not have been complete fabrications .
28 So the sample may not have been complete er and once the sample was taken , one could have lost some of the material .
29 Feminists have dared to suggest that the wisdom of many generations may not have been disinterested , or even very wise ; that human experience is not identical with male experience ; and that our ( whose ? ) ‘ fundamental perceptions ’ keep women in servitude .
30 In northwest Amazonia ( Venezuela ) , there is evidence for fire disturbance over the last 6000 years , with charcoal deposits under terrafirme forests as well as caatingas , and some of the fires may not have been anthropogenic .
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