Example sentences of "[modal v] n't be [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 things that I think should n't be done on the health service are breast implants
2 And your man Jimmy Hill said that afterwards , like that was n't fair , it should n't be done on that .
3 If you want to run a nice , happy , little group of amateur people you should be allowed to get on with it , but public money should n't be spent on it .
4 The promotors say their video is a work of art that should n't be judged on how much trade it generates , but some argue unless Oxford breaks away from it 's traditional image the tourists fantasy will never be a heaven for those who live and work there .
5 That fool should n't be allowed on the roads . ’
6 A dealer at Harvard Securities was subject to frequent telephone calls from one elusive Mr Bottomley , who wanted to buy a stake in For Eyes , but who insisted he could n't be contacted on the phone .
7 Obviously they could n't be ridden on a mountain , but magazine articles and newspaper features began treating them as a status symbol , and so every airhead on a salary of over £20,000 a year rushed out to buy one and take it up a mountain .
8 They knew the RIC could n't be relied on ; they knew they had no hope of persuading the Army to go on a reign of terror ; so a new force with carte blanche … .
9 She was aware that the colour that flooded her cheeks could n't be blamed on reflection from her sweater .
10 She looked at the tyre and saw at once that even if there had been someone about who could have helped her , the tyre could n't be mended on the spot-there was a long split in the outer cover .
11 This way they would be alerted to Luke 's infidelity , but it would n't be forced on them .
12 Inside the Commons , the defence secretary Malcolm Rifkind would n't be drawn on his battle with the treasury .
13 The Minister announced increased anti-pollution grants available to farmers , but would n't be drawn on their likely success .
14 Europe 's grain harvest looks certain to hit the record books , so does the surplus grain mountain which ca n't be moved on world markets
15 It ca n't be beaten on breadth of features — it 's a quality product with excellent support .
16 Unfortunately , for the really creative user , all this requires programming knowledge and ca n't be created on paper first and loaded in as a completed work .
17 The concept ca n't be created on paper first and then loaded into the computer as a completed work .
18 But the er but it ca n't be done on modern alarms now because the bell boxes they use are anti-foam and they probably have two or three alarm
19 They are bad news in a block of flats , and they ca n't be relied on .
20 The precautionary principle suggests that , as the future damage done by pollution is often more costly than the extra expense of avoiding it in the first place and in any case it is often unacceptable , even if a money cost ca n't be put on it , then prevention is better than cure .
21 The number of sets can be altered , along with whether points can or ca n't be won on your opponents ' serve .
22 Batty certainly ca n't be excused on the grounds the manager did n't give him a ‘ fair crack of the whip ’ can he ?
23 It ca n't be blamed on the unions or the last Labour Government .
24 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
25 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
26 Minor interests are interests in land that ca n't be entered on a registered title , but which are not overriding interests such as have just been described , for they can be overridden by the registered proprietor in any disposition for value .
27 But it 's definitely a unique sound , with that percussive effect that ca n't be recreated on an electric bass — and I know that because I 've been getting sampled a lot recently …
28 It works with the EC1 pattern controller and ca n't be used on its own .
29 The traditional wok ca n't be used on a ceramic hob because there 's not enough contact between the rounded base and hob to produce the high temperatures needed to stir-fry .
30 The phone charges ca n't be drawn on your expenses .
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