Example sentences of "[modal v] at [adv] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 She thought : I should at least have been a little drunk .
2 But in an exclusive interview with Central South , Kevin Maxwell told our reporter Simon Garrett that his family should at least have been given the chance to buy the medals .
3 ‘ We paid almost £9,000 for the car but we will be lucky to get £4,000 for it , ’ said Mr Lewis who believes the teenager should at least have been made to do community work .
4 For de Gaulle , apparently , the sooner the better and , although this may be straining the comparison , on the analogy of Badoglio 's Italy , the French in Vietnam might at least have been allowed to work their passage towards the status of a fully fledged ally rather than endure the uncomfortable ambiguities of a compromised position .
5 If he had been able to understand that , he might at least have been able to formulate a coherent apology .
6 If he had to be shifted to Ireland , why could n't it have been Dublin where he 'd at least have been nearer to Elizabeth and might have managed to hop over to England more often .
7 For instance , if the working class parties of pre-fascist Germany had really represented the class itself , the latter would have been more easily aroused than it in fact was , and the rise of fascism would at least have been a greater struggle .
8 Strach 's looking tired and rocky would at least have been a reasonable replacement , White is more of a winger/ striker than a creative midfield player .
9 Strach 's looking tired and rocky would at least have been a reasonable replacement , White is more of a winger/ striker than a creative midfield player .
10 Then she would at least have been able to ask if he was anything to do with Massingham Engineering — and thereby have been prepared this morning .
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