Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bowes and Nedham were instructed " … that it hath pleased God that Certaine Copper Oares should be near about Kendall where none were ever heretofore heard of … it seameth 11 Kibles will yield a qintall of Copper …
2 Umbrellas are one dress accessory no one should be without in Britain .
3 When closed together , the top set of teeth should be just in front of the bottom set .
4 That way we should be ahead of Tweed . ’
5 The guide should be slightly in front whilst the blind pupil holds the guide 's arm lightly just above the elbow .
6 ‘ You should be here at night .
7 SLINT , Steve Albini 's favourite Kentuckyans , have signed to Touch & Go after their departure from the Jennifer Hartman label and should be here in February .
8 SLINT , Steve Albini 's favourite Kentuckyans , have signed to Touch & Go after their departure from the Jennifer Hartman label and should be here in February .
9 ‘ Faye 's epidural should be nearly in place by now .
10 It was mentioned that there should be somewhere for guest and visitors to sit .
11 ‘ Madam , I misdoubt that you should be abroad after dusk alone , either here or in the town .
12 At Cheltenham this afternoon , CRUISING ALTITUDE ( 1.20 ) should be more at home on the ground than the champion hurdler Beech Road in the Bula Hurdle , while his Newbury victim , MORLEY STREET ( 2.30 ) looks good in the Mercury Communications hurdle .
13 And if you 're old or poor or handicapped or just think there should be more to life than this — then go to hell .
14 But this is not enough says International Resource Development , which believes the figure should be more like $10 billion .
15 There were a lot of very poor men also in a number of these trades who were not originally covered by the legislation , and that 's where the erm the developments have , have come from since then , the dynamic of the policy , because the argument over whether it should be only for women rebounded on them , and people said , ‘ No , it should n't ’ , so for a while the legislation was all scrapped and then they started again , and now the Americans have much more comprehensive laws than we do .
16 I 'm glad you 've made reference actually to that picture of the circles because I , I erm I came up with that after we 'd had the parish day and i you know , observing who was there on the parish day and then trying to see how , how we reach people and , and , and who were missing and how important was it that everybody should be there on parish day , and was n't it that people who are involved should be there on parish day because that 's a point at which erm you know parish council can meet those very people .
17 I 'm glad you 've made reference actually to that picture of the circles because I , I erm I came up with that after we 'd had the parish day and i you know , observing who was there on the parish day and then trying to see how , how we reach people and , and , and who were missing and how important was it that everybody should be there on parish day , and was n't it that people who are involved should be there on parish day because that 's a point at which erm you know parish council can meet those very people .
18 We should be there by noon . ’
19 Hallborough was five miles north-west of the city , and she thought she should be there by noon .
20 Their hay would be fed as it had been cut , handful by handful , and should be enough with seaweed and oat straw to feed her till she was helped out in the spring .
21 Nothing has been said so far about precise content , for example , which world religions should be included , or whether the focus should be mainly on Christianity , how far non-religious stances such as Humanism should feature in RE , or what to do about the occult , and so forth .
22 It was essential ‘ that the Chief Officer should be entirely in sympathy with these aims ’ .
23 That is not necessarily so in relation to the few surviving companies limited by guarantee and having a share capital.z And there is no inherent reason why it should be so with companies limited by shares ; indeed a very sensible method of promoting voluntary ‘ co-determination ’ would be to provide means whereby employees could become members without also having to buy shares in the company , thus risking the loss of their savings as well as their jobs if their employer-company becomes insolvent .
24 They had never heard of England , but thought it must be somewhere near Cairo .
25 Temporarily transformed into an ass , with Titania drugged into loving his new shape ( Apuleius ' Golden Ass must be somewhere in Shakespeare 's mental world ) , Bottom persists in the good-humoured prose of l'homme moyen sensuel , utterly oblivious to the fact that the Queen of the fairies is in an erotic tizzy over him .
26 All must be equally under suspicion , though we all know the master or mistress would never think of doing such a thing . ’
27 We must be well past Malmesbury by this time , Isabel thought .
28 ‘ We must be nearly in range by now , ’ I said to Jean as I turned back to channel 20 .
29 The site must be away from areas of population concentration .
30 Floats it in towards Kennedy the chance must be here for Ray it 's there and it 's Kennedy .
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