Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We restricted our comments to the design of pending trials in the United States that are a matter of considerable debate , and suggested that such trials should be comparative precisely because , as and say , ‘ it is not known which specific immune responses are required for therapeutic benefit ’ .
2 Qualified engineering and software support staff should be available so that a suitable person can attend the OUP site , as necessary , within eight hours of a call for help .
3 ‘ Although it seemed natural to expect that some word match scores should be good enough that they could be considered correct , thereby eliminating attempts to find alternatives to them , in fact all attempts to implement such an intuition seemed to have led to at best indifferent results and usually to positive degradation .
4 It is therefore more than ever necessary that the recovery should be export-led rather than led by domestic consumption .
5 They should be sure therefore that any outside contractor can offer high quality , safe work at a sensible price , to an agreed time schedule and with a willingness to return should any of that work prove to be unsatisfactory .
6 If the purpose is to interrupt an apparent contract and the secondary action would be likely to achieve that purpose , then the secondary action should be legitimate even if no such contract exists in fact .
7 If my hon. Friend will look at the recommendations already coming from the Boundary Commission , she will see that it recommends that there should be eight rather than seven seats in Dorset .
8 However , I should like to go further and suggest that the minimum term of appointment of the governors of the institution should be eight rather than five years , to ensure that it goes way beyond the electoral cycle of any member state .
9 The second criterion put forward earlier was that project work should be systematic rather than haphazard .
10 In order to be given full credit as CPE , reading should be technical rather than general .
11 Surfaces — floors , walls , upholstery , table tops — should be practical so that you 're not constantly worried about spoiling them .
12 But , if they were to reduce the time it takes to qualify , I definitely do n't think is should be any less than four years .
13 Proceedings should be informal so that no one need feel inhibited from taking part even if not professionally represented .
14 It is not intended that this plan should be ‘ cast in concrete ’ but , rather , that it should be flexible so that the school looks ahead but remains responsive to future changes in circumstances .
15 Goals should be flexible so that failure in one term does not preclude redemption and success the next .
16 The second reason , less plausibly , is that they regard non-shareholder groups as having legitimate claims on the company and believe that these claims should be satisfied even though a reduction in shareholder wealth is involved .
17 But that should be alright now if you
18 United should be unchanged tonight but that means they 're missing the suspended Magilton and the injured Beachamp …
19 It should precede curriculum development rather than following after it ; in other words , it should be formative rather than summative .
20 It should be clear now that whereas for Marx it is one 's economic class position ( crucially how one relates to productive property ) that determines much else in one 's life , for the Functionalist it is the status one has established through developing marketable skills and the value put on them by society that determines one 's life chances .
21 By 1875 fashions in England and the USA decreed that coats should be whole-coloured rather than broken and that the skin should be yellow , the muzzle dark and the tongue and tail switch black , but the revised breed standards still did not specify colours .
22 He was also considering whether the code of practice which governs the quality of connections between private lines and the public phone network should be advisory rather than mandatory .
23 it should be lighter rather than heavy
24 It is difficult to see any reason why in civil proceedings the privilege against self-incrimination should be exercisable so as to enable a litigant to refuse relevant and even vital documents which are in his possession or power and which speak for themselves .
25 If we assume that you are writing on the right-hand page of an examination book or on loose examination sheets , bound at the top left-hand corner , then the identifying number of the question should be large so that it is easily seen and should be at the top right-hand corner .
26 The main consideration with envelopes is that they should be large enough and strong enough to accommodate the material to be contained within them .
27 Nor do I think it necessary to consider for the purposes of the present case to what extent the common law may provide the public authority with a defence to a claim for the repayment of money so paid ; though for the reasons I have already given , I do not consider that the principle of recovery should be inapplicable simply because the citizen has paid the money under a mistake of law .
28 We must be reactive rather than proactive , because becoming motivated and taking initiatives involves gaining power .
29 They must be available accurately and consistently if they are to be relied upon .
30 And after that , wherever you go it must be far away because , as Father said , he missed killing him this time , but he wo n't the next .
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