Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] by his " in BNC.

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1 Both Arundel and Warenne asserted that it was the right of the magnates to advise and support the king in the great affairs of the realm , and that the charges the king had made against Stratford should be heard by his peers .
2 The dying man should be surrounded by his friends and family , should make , as it were , a day of it .
3 He was only forty-three when he died , arid the French , seizing the opportunity to reinforce their influence , insisted that he should be succeeded by his son , Bao Dai , then a boy of twelve still at school in Paris .
4 During pre-trial hearings at the Old Bailey , Mr Greenway 's counsel argued that he should be tried by his fellow MPs and not a court of law .
5 A manager 's concern for people must be matched by his concern for achieving results .
6 The issue was whether he was the person he claimed to be , and the Court of Appeal held that this must be tested by his appearance in court where cross-examination could be fully informed by the recollections of several people in England who knew the missing heir before his emigration .
7 He was told that there was a waiting list and that he must be referred by his General Practitioner , as a National Health Service patient , in order that the local Health Authority provide the necessary funding , as the operation is only available on the N.H.S.
8 If he wants to take up sports again , the patient must be guided by his physiotherapist , so that he does not attempt exercises which are too hard , which would inevitably increase his spasticity .
9 No account of the situation beyond the bare notice of dissolution was given to the Chief Registrar and Wilson carefully abstained from registering his new organization in order to avoid the obligation of revealing financial and membership information which might be exploited by his opponents .
10 If it might reasonably have been foreseen that the pregnant woman might be injured by his carelessness , it must follow that the possibility of injury on birth to the child she was carrying must equally be taken to have been reasonably foreseeable . …
11 But if a person is injured , then the ultimate inquiry to be made is whether or not the injury was a reasonable and probable consequence of the act of carelessness , and whether or not the defaulter should have reasonably anticipated that a class of persons , of which the plaintiff was one , might be affected by his careless act .
12 That the king yielded to the resulting complaints of the clergy as far as he did might be explained by his preoccupations in Paris when he could hardly afford serious embarrassment at home ; yet it seems more likely that he recognized the powerful tradition by which the matters in conflict were long deemed to have belonged rightfully to the church .
13 Finally it has been suggested that the likenesses between the Andokides Painter 's work and the Siphnian frieze might be explained by his having started as a sculptor there , then come on to the Kerameikos to invent red-figure under the inspiration of relief-colouring .
14 The garments might be placed by his hemiplegic side , if there is no risk of him falling as he reaches for them , and if he is beginning to use the hemiplegic arm .
15 He had , it seemed , no job and no future except such as might be offered by his own National Socialist League .
16 Like some hypocrites in tragedy , Angelo 's readiness to dissemble could be checked by his conscience .
17 STEVE AGNEW 'S cut-price move from Blackburn to Portsmouth could be ruined by his reluctance to move south .
18 After hearing the boy 's story of how he had been ‘ neglected and abused ’ by his mother Rachel , judge Thomas Kirk told him he could be adopted by his foster parents George and Lizabeth Russ .
19 If they make Æthelred 's activities appear considerably rosier to us than they did to contemporaries , this at least does something to explain how the king in whose name these high-sounding utterances were issued could be charged by his subjects in 1014 with hateful practices and injustice .
20 To rub sea salt into the wound , Mr Lamont was told his place on the Cabinet 's overseas policy committee could be taken by his Number FIVE at the Treasury .
21 It was during this crisis that Gregory was criticized as not being a local : even a bishop who belonged to the episcopal dynasty of Tours could be portrayed by his own clergy as an outsider .
22 President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines stood by her decision to forbid the return of Ferdinand Marcos 's body for burial , saying his corpse still had a ‘ malignant power ’ which could be used by his followers to seize power .
23 Nothing had to get through which could be used by his enemies .
24 Hendry also possesses a greater range than Davis , who may be hamstrung by his reluctance to take on long pots .
25 to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work ; and
26 It may be influenced by his upbringing , age , social environment , family background , intelligence , education , interests and of course his job and where he lives .
27 In part , that may be explained by his own view of women formed from those days in Neptune : they should be independent , take their strengths from their inner self and not rely on men , except for moral support .
28 That he never did go there again may be explained by his increasing problems at home , yet successive popes continued to hope in vain .
29 Just as a sub-lessee may be required by his sub-lease to comply with some of the covenants in the head-lease , and is answerable to his sub-lessor if he should breach those covenants , so rule 2.12(1) provides a régime in which appointed representatives will be subject to the Norwich Union , not directly to Lautro .
30 Small wonder there is now talk in Bonn that the Social Democrats in the Bundesrat may block legislation ; that Mr Kohl , though chancellor , may be dumped by his party , as Ludwig Erhard once was ; or that his centre-right coalition with the Free Democrats will split , as the centre-left one led by Helmut Schmidt did in 1982 .
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