Example sentences of "[modal v] get up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
2 So you 'll getting up in the morning ?
3 Even an agreement about the time you might get up in the morning , and who gets up first , for instance , is important .
4 No I , well I 'm gon na , yeah okay , but I mean she , well you 're gon na be , you 'll get up in a moment now wo n't you ?
5 I just go to bed at night and hope for a miracle that I 'll get up in the morning
6 The church used to talk about the ‘ natural law ’ and if that was in full force you 'd get up on every good-looking woman within sight .
7 Occasionally I 'd get up in the morning and there he 'd be in the kitchen , eating furiously , as if he did n't know where his next grub was coming from , as if each day was an adventure that could end anywhere .
8 I 'd get up in the morning I 'd have my two pieces of wholemeal bread toasted with a scraping of marmalade on , right , and my butter cos I like that .
9 Once in a while she 'd get up from the chaos of ribbons and tissue , and go to the window to watch the cold .
10 If she had the sense she 'd been born with she 'd get up from the table right now , wish him a polite good evening , and scuttle back to the safety of the dressing-room , there to make a pledge never to risk being in his company again .
11 Anthony left instructions that you could get up for a couple of hours if you felt up to it .
12 The only way we could get up to the nest was to borrow a ladder from a neighbouring farmer and climb up .
13 There was no other way in which he could get up to the roof .
14 She was able to move safely from room to room in her house , and she could get up during the night to use her commode when necessary .
15 But when we were young , she and I used to get up to the most dreadful pranks . ’
16 Oh yeah often used to get up in the morning and look out of the bedroom window and see a pheasant in the back garden
17 She used to get up in the morning , every Tuesday and Friday and catch the half past seven bus , from to Nottingham and another bus down to Boulevard , to Miss 's , do a day 's skivvying and come back again , and then do her ironing and so forth , at night-time .
18 When my sister was a baby he used to get up in the night to see her .
19 I used to do that , I used to get up in the morning and they were fucking gone , she had them on her fucking arse .
20 we used to have nets and nets of oranges and we used to get up in the morning and just squeeze them
21 they were on about that they ship them abroad and th , they were interviewing a lad in London he said oh , he used to get up in the morning and er go down to the phone box and phone this contact they know and he 'd tell you what cars you wanted pinching this day and they pinch them to order !
22 One might have hoped Frodo would get up on a block and speak to everybody , impose his will .
23 That took care of Strathtummel ; Atholl would get Up in the morning to find half his country crumbling under his feet .
24 And there was pain as well as pride in working right to the end , as did the 99-year-old Suffolk widow who ‘ worked on the land all her life ’ or the Derbyshire midwife in her eighties who still ‘ would get up in the night and walk miles to attend a confinement . ’
25 On the three mornings each week when we were n't due to train , Graham and I would get up in the cool sun of early morning at seven and play either golf or tennis .
26 Wherever he went in the house , he carried reams of calculations and sometimes would get up in the middle of a meal because he suspected that his calculator was at fault .
27 I would get up in the morning , step out of my caravan , face the ocean and do my exercises , followed by my ritual routine .
28 Manifestations can vary enormously from one individual to another ; a sufferer may — or may not — forget how to wash , dress , eat , go to the lavatory , get up or go to bed ; be disorientated in time and place ( for example , may get up in the middle of the night , or may wander away from home and be unable to find his or her way back ) ; forget the social conventions of politeness , and may therefore become aggressive or rude ( or over-friendly ) ; forget how to communicate , and even his or her own or other people 's identity .
29 Via your satellite receiver you can get up to the minute teletext plus superb stereo radio .
30 ‘ You ca n't take your friend 's dog out but you can get up at the crack of dawn to set your hair . ’
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