Example sentences of "[modal v] come to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had enough sense to realise that this was one argument that ought to come to a stop right now .
2 Diana , and then we ought to come to a decision .
3 However , given a reasonable state of preservation , you should come to no harm at Scourie ; and most days will see you happily tramping anything up to six miles , fishing perhaps a dozen different waters along the way , with golden eagle , red deer and curlew for company .
4 So it 's six hundred , plus about half , which comes to a about nine hundred , should come to a bit less than nine hundred , and it does , so that 's almost certainly
5 ‘ If all the charities followed the Wolfson 's example , medical research should come to a standstill . ’
6 If convincing contrary evidence is presented within that period , they should come to a settlement with the buyer .
7 So it should come to a little bit more than that one , should n't it ?
8 The only person not wholly in sympathy with this plan was the bartender who complained that I was supposed to be off duty and that the passengers should come to the bar to buy the drinks themselves ; I was syphoning off his tips .
9 It is perhaps not surprising that such an interpretation should come to the fore in the implementation of normalisation .
10 This time the hospital kept him in for several weeks and his condition deteriorated until the Sunday morning the phone rang at 6.30 am and the words ‘ We think you should come to the hospital as soon as you can . ’
11 It is not enough for the defendant to show that he was aware of the contents of what he was distributing or publishing , but did not himself think that it was insulting if the jury or magistrate should come to the conclusion that he suspected or had grounds to suspect otherwise .
12 There is , of course , something risible about proposing that armies of 70-year-olds should come to the rescue of those older still , and by no means all of those who will be among the young elderly in the year 2010 will want to perform that role .
13 Mr Skinner said Mr Lilley should come to the House to answer questions over ‘ the £4,000 bill the taxpayer is having to foot for him flying from his holiday cottage in France to come back to Britain ’ .
14 ‘ Borrowers can pay more when rates move up , but they must come to a branch to make a specific request to do so . ’
15 Schlieffen was dead by 1914 ( his dying words are reported to have been , ‘ It must come to a fight .
16 The information collected will be diverse and complex , and the assessor must come to a view as to the relative importance of different pieces of information and prioritize the information into a manageable , but valid , summary .
17 There must be no nice balancing of odds , the judge must come to the conclusion that such danger is real and appreciable with reference to the ordinary operation of law in the ordinary course of things , not a danger of an imaginary and insubstantial character , having reference to some extraordinary and barely possible contingency so improbable that no reasonable man would suffer it to influence his conduct .
18 If we consider the mathematics of combinations we must come to the conclusion that the pattern making activity of the mind is far better designed for conceptual thinking than any computer .
19 Still , they might have had a few more years left in them yet , and so in that respect , it was rather courageous of them to accept Nicholson 's script and Rafelson 's apparent decision that all good things must come to an end .
20 ‘ I 'm afraid our little arrangement must come to an end , Ruth , ’ she said at once .
21 ‘ Everything must come to an end , even a long time spent on the run , ’ police quoted him as saying .
22 Writing in the Yorkshire Miner he declared : ‘ The day of the exploited miner must come to an end now .
23 This meant in practice that all foreign intervention , by the United States and Pakistan as well as the USSR , must come to an end ; secure guarantees must be provided that there would be no further intervention in Afghan affairs ; and the People 's Democratic Party ( which remained strongly Soviet-aligned ) was to be accorded a dominant position in any future Afghan government .
24 Dulé found himself longing , this carnage , this bloodshed must come to an end , we must call a truce , make a new treaty .
25 The bailing out of weaker building societies must come to an end .
26 But all good things must come to an end ; back on the old routine mixing it with the Luftwaffe and all they could muster — and their reaction was tremendous .
27 But pragmatism also allows progress to be made where a more analytic approach might come to a halt , faced with some intractable epistemological obstacle .
28 This , it was suggested , could lead to a situation of ‘ dual power ’ , which might come to a head over the ‘ nationalisation ’ of some foreign-owned factory which would be ‘ occupied ’ on behalf of the Irish nation .
29 What I 'm trying to establish in in a fairly simplified form actually , are the areas of difference and whether some of those are still capable of being reconciled , because of the way in which you a you know the the the different parties may have made different approaches but in fact you might come to an agreement about that .
30 Reason said , Not always , for otherwise mankind itself might come to an end .
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