Example sentences of "[modal v] do a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I must do a sampler for Amy .
2 Because of the , the tinkering around it must do a bit of
3 The pressure from London , however , was unrelenting : ‘ Gould has been so clamorous lately ’ , Lear wrote to Jardine , ‘ at my not having done any Birds of Europe for him , that I must do a batch for him without further delay . ’
4 You should do a bit of practise .
5 " I know what you should do , " said Clelia , " you should do a Diploma of Education or whatever it 's called .
6 If I can get near Mum I must tell her that she should do a spot of witnessing to the woman across from her .
7 So I went upstairs and proposed that we should do a house-to-house on those two areas .
8 Now i , let's let's do a bit of definition of terms here , osteoporosis is what
9 Right , now let's do a bit of hot seating hey , where one of you will sit on a chair and pretend to be one of the characters and then the others will ask a question .
10 Eliot 's play aimed to penetrate beyond the ‘ frightful ’ to a deeper sense of universal evil — ‘ Any man might do a girl in ’ ( my italics ) .
11 For example , you might do a survey on potato crisps .
12 ‘ If so I 'll walk down with you , and then we might do a bit of visiting afterwards or even just go for a walk . ’
13 I might do a bit of drawing .
14 no , I do n't think so , well I think if I feel like it , after I 've done me cooker hood , I might do a bit of baking
15 Well it makes you feel that you might do a bit of work with something
16 I might do a bit of revision with you next week as well just to help you with it .
17 MOREOVER , individual examples of bias , such as the one I detected when Paddy Ashdown was allowed to get away with the ridiculous notion that he might do a deal with John Major just as easily as with Neil Kinnock , need to be balanced against the election coverage as a whole .
18 Okay , first thing we 've got to derive , we 'll do a couple of examples , let's have an employed client , and self employed , because when we start from differs , depending on whether employed or self- employed .
19 Erm in fact incredibly so erm Very nice place to work actually erm so I 'll do a bit of friendly chasing .
20 And I 'll do a bit of sick-visiting , and go and talk to my old mate , Arthur , again .
21 I wonder whether she 'll do a bit of you know , going round ?
22 You ca n't , you could n't say right we 'll do a function for hundred and fifty and two hundred , and really to do , you 've got to be looking to do a , a sit down function for two hundred
23 We 'll do a Pygmalion on you and you can go back to the hospital and charm them into letting your dad out . ’
24 I 'll do a deal with you , I expect that .
25 Okay well I 'll I 'll do a I 'll do a note on on the various headings that I 've made so we 've all got the same piece of paper .
26 I 'll do a cup of tea anyway .
27 It 'll do a lot of good I mean I 've put both plants out during the week , they were fairly dry then , but now if you 'd see that , that , they 've taken already
28 ‘ We 'll do a record with Madonna before our musical career has died . ’
29 you know I 'll do a copy in braille
30 Yes they 'll do a pre-assessment for you , and Cath who 's our local 'd come in and say , Yes , No .
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