Example sentences of "[modal v] not want [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 After that , and because of that , Birt may not want to be around .
2 What we had n't bargained for was that she might not want to be the next Franz Klammer .
3 An insecure man , she knew , might not want to be married to someone more powerful than himself .
4 Perhaps he and Laetitia should forget their search for their missing brother or sister , who , after all , might not want to be found , and let the past look after itself ?
5 He could not want to be kind , could not love the tarnished and ruined thing Sally-Anne Tunstall was , but she looked at him all the same .
6 That having been said , I would not want to be without the very special qualities of this new Teldec release — a most moving interpretation brilliantly performed .
7 And there are not many boys who would not want to be him , because A he is attractive , B he can write and act , C he can play the drums and D he is a wild boy and rebel . ’
8 Of the two , Biddulph again offer the finest transfers , though I would not want to be without Cortot 's version of the Liszt Sonata on Music and Arts where , despite so may battle-scarred moments , his performance blazes with an endearingly old-fashioned poetry , thunder and lightning .
9 And I would not want to be pushed further .
10 Of course Harry would not want to be burdened with her , even if he could afford to start up his stud at Maythorpe House .
11 The Consumer Credit Trade Association is considering the NCC proposals , but Director John Patrick FICM said that his initial thoughts were that the CCTA would not want to be involved in collecting a levy .
12 His life is very simple and he would not want to be rich . ’
13 There is a very simple message here : if I were you Mr Chairman , I would not want to be a Labour priority .
14 THIS fractured and desolate album is often unbearably intense , and you sincerely would n't want to be in its author 's shoes .
15 I just thought you would n't want to be woken up again . ’
16 But then I do n't like blood so I would n't want to be either a cook or a surgeon .
17 That 's why I would n't want to be a model .
18 He happily helps the farmer but also has some sympathy with the cuddly pet view , if only to the extent that he would n't want to be responsible for wiping rabbits out — as if he could !
19 If it 's like promoting the idea of killing cops as being a good thing , if this band wanted to do a song like that I would n't want to be in the band . ’
20 ‘ I would n't want to be anywhere else , ’ she said .
21 You 'd think they would n't want to be seen in public ; but no , there they are , living it up , and my own daughter aiding and abetting them as if she were doing some thing clever .
22 I would n't want to be a defender and see him coming on with 20 minutes left after being run ragged by Ian Rush , ’ he said .
23 They sat astonished as Sir Claus Moser , head of the National Commission on Education , told them : ‘ The majority of our children are in schools which you would n't want to be associated with .
24 And so I would n't want to be er asked to interpret any one line of this in particular , or to put any particular nuance on it because then you would say aha but that 's not what we believe .
25 I would n't want to be either of those women .
26 ‘ Nay , ’ said Fred , ‘ I like it where I am , it suits me where I am , I would n't want to be moving at my age .
27 ‘ Have n't you ever thought , ’ asked Biddy , not looking at me , ‘ that he would n't want to meet important people , he would n't want to be taken away from this job that he does well , and the village where he 's loved ? ’
28 ‘ It 's a bit scary that he 's such a big star — I would n't want to be because you get so isolated from everybody , without much contact with normal people , ’ she says .
29 ‘ I 've never worked with either my sister or my dad — I would n't want to be like certain families in this business , ’ she says , just a touch scornfully .
30 Of the rest of the pack she says : ‘ I would n't want to be definite about how many of then will be around in five years ’ time . ’
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