Example sentences of "[modal v] he [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Should he pass a message on ?
2 It may well be that he considered that it was not the right thing for him to do , after all , he was a good Jew and why should he marry a Moabite .
3 Why should he make a defence ?
4 He asks , explains Odd-Knut , why , should he want a picture of his hut on the wall when he can go outside and look at it ?
5 ‘ But why should he do a deal with the kidnappers during that time ? ’ she asked .
6 Oldham boss Peter Tunks has , I understand , already held talks with Strett and , should he clinch a deal with the 24-year-old Orrell stand-off , then he expects to follow up with a tempting contract for England winger Heslop .
7 Why should he keep a thing like that to himself ? ’
8 The reason for this decision is to enable Major Stirling to train other officers who will be available to take his place should he become a casualty . ’
9 We should warn you that next March 12th another police constable will be on foot duty in Convent St. , and should he notice a repetition of your behaviour , we shall have to consider the possibility of taking even more stringent action than we have on this occasion .
10 As it is necessary for a Marxist to make a science of society , so too must he make a science of violence .
11 Only then , he knew insofar as he was certain of anything , could he lead a life free from these ceaseless responses to envy , desire and pain …
12 But as far as … could he pass a competency hearing ?
13 How could he afford a place like this if he was playing dives like the Moebius Strip ?
14 Nor could he imagine a woman with the least ambiguity of feeling so comprehensively stripping him of possessions .
15 How could he have a son and heir ? ’
16 And also he said could he have a news sheet
17 I was really happy for him because now he 'd answered the question , ‘ Could he win a major ? ’
18 Asked if she wast sure Mr Onanuga was telling the truth , she replied : ‘ Why would he tell a lie ?
19 ‘ What would he want a word about ? ’ she questioned hostilely , wanting him to be gentle as he had been that morning .
20 Would he bite a recruiting sergeant ? ’ asked Menzies .
21 But where would he find a rope now ?
22 Yet would he use a PC or a Notebook computer for such a document , and if so would he edit it as he re-read the text and his thoughts on the subject became more succinct ?
23 MR LYSONS of 21 Norton Rd , Rochdale , is a man with a mission — why else would he publish a fanzine dedicated to the works of that erstwhile Genesis mixer and general eminent musical mastermind — Jonathan King .
24 When he was able to sit down for a brief breather , he received a telephone call from control saying that some twenty young bullocks had got loose on the railway line heading in his direction and would he keep a look out , with the thought that trains and cattle do not mix .
25 Would he have a mum ?
26 Will my right hon. Friend extend to them his best wishes on becoming part of the property-owning democracy and will he send a message of best wishes to the management and employees of West Midlands Travel — the country 's biggest bus company — who yesterday concluded a £70 million buy-out ?
27 Will he send a message to the Provisional IRA and the disloyalists that the mindless , aimless use of bullets and bombs will not be as successful as parliamentary debates and normal political election campaigns ?
28 As the Prime Minister approaches the first anniversary of his move into his new home , will he spare a thought for the tens of thousands who , because of his policies , are now losing theirs ?
29 In the new will he inserted a trust clause , entrusting payment of all the legacies he had left in the now invalid first will .
30 Should he not be with us in six weeks , will he leave a message for his successor to ensure the continuation of that economic miracle into York street and York road in the constituency of my hon. Friend the Member for Belfast , North ( Mr. Walker ) ?
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