Example sentences of "[modal v] have a [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She said people should have a choice when to shop , and for many , other days of the week were inconvenient .
2 He should have a bit longer .
3 N , that is not on religious grounds either that is because I just think that they work six days they should have a day off anyway .
4 each individual flat should have a box outside
5 Er do you think I should have a bath now or should I
6 Well , I think he should have a letter anyway , definitely thanking him cos I mean he did like
7 Should have a stock up really .
8 And you should have a list upstairs and we can quickly
9 Well they should have a notice up should n't they ?
10 It never seems right to have players who want to leave — we should have a team where people are excited to be a part of the setup .
11 ‘ You must have a change sometimes , ’ she said .
12 Party Politics , who won last year 's National , must have a life again for he galloped the opposition into the ground when winning last time out at Haydock .
13 He ( she ? ) — I never can tell with cats ) is obviously used to people and we think he must have a home somewhere , but he 's always absolutely ravenous , and we ca n't refuse him food .
14 You must have a look then
15 Have you got er , must have a knob somewhere
16 When using this method , the panes must have a width less than 250mm , and the area of each pane must not exceed 0.5m 2 .
17 They really must have a centenary more often .
18 Clearly , the eyeless mites must have a photoreceptor somewhere .
19 Such an interpretation , however , would be absurd , since any contract of sale must have a condition somewhere at its core .
20 It would seem that , for a holiday to be enjoyed , it must have a reason more compelling than that it shall simply fill a gap , or satisfy some politically motivated demand .
21 Before I could say anything he continued with , ‘ You must have a girlfriend somewhere , Piper , a smart-looking bloke like you . ’
22 But it would depend very much on you getting hold of the relevant minister-it would probably almost inevitably be your own secretary of state- and saying , ‘ Look we really must have a situation where there is a discussion about the Falklands . ’
23 And he 'll have a word back at you . ’
24 I 'll have a word then I 'll give you a ring tomorrow
25 Yeah I 'll have a mango then please .
26 we 'll have a take away in the car park
27 But one day we 'll have a king again .
28 I think we 'll have a celebration tonight , now
29 And I 'll have a chance yet again , to talk to your mummies and daddies before yo you actually take your final exams .
30 Umm yeah I 'll have a biscuit please .
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