Example sentences of "[modal v] have been [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If it is it must have been with croutons , since those lumpy floaters were n't there when the liquid-lunch-from-hell embarked on its inward journey .
2 We have seen what a struggle it must have been for men in the late 18th century to keep body and soul together — how much worse , then , for their womenfolk .
3 She was only twenty when she was saddled with me , yet she never made me feel I was a drag , and heaven knows a kid sister must have been at times . ’
4 It must have been within inches of the goal because when Swift collected the deflection , he was running along his own goal-line for dear life .
5 The RSPCA contacted Dr Harris and his report concluded that the men must have been after badgers .
6 Yes , if you can , if you can recognise it , or if you 've got , or if , several members of erm , several students we had when I was on grocery at Camden , we had to , I think it was twenty eight on Saturday afternoon , they might have been on checkouts , well I mean , they 're still scheduled to my , I 'm saying out of that about four of them er , are still working at Camden full-time .
7 The fragmentary remains from Eccles have been interpreted as the figures of two gladiators , although , in light of the subjects of other figural designs in Britain ( see below ) , this might also have been a hunting scene ( or could have been of figures other than gladiators ; see the drawing of Cupids as gladiators : pI .
8 This may have been for meals during the day while living elsewhere , or perhaps it was to make existing accommodation there more adequate for his use .
9 Thus although the rating tasks performed in this study are not uncorrelated with the risk and accident estimates previously obtained for the stimuli from Study 2 there is no reason to assume that subjects were unnaturally concentrating on risks in the way they may have been for Studies 1 and 2 .
10 1-2-3 release 3.4 for DOS makes nothing easier than it would have been under Windows , but even the Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows version needs a major overhaul before many folk will take it seriously .
11 Output is accordingly lower than it would have been under conditions of perfect competition , and resources are diverted to alternative , less valuable uses .
12 ‘ Think of where we would have been without nurses during the war . ’
13 Yet this admission was not so grievous for Tate as it would have been for others .
14 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
15 The population of these three conurbations was over 8 million which when added to a similar population in London meant that approximately one-third of the population of England would have been within areas covered by a two-tier structure of local government .
16 As well as showing the average or individual costs of community care under the Home Support Project it would clearly also be useful to show whether the project was or was not cost-effective overall ; that is , whether the costs of running the service were greater or lower than the total public expenditure saved through sustaining at home people who without the project would have been in institutions .
17 If it was n't for him it would have been in bits .
18 A decade earlier their husbands would have been in sweaters or soft collars .
19 That evening , though , their ragging had distressed her and but for Colonel Hope 's intervention , she would have been in tears .
20 In three years times all of the new C P O's will have been on courses and probably most of them will have been on A L O courses .
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