Example sentences of "[modal v] have be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No but it must 've been talking about youngsters having cars
2 Davies arrived home at the time he should have been competing in the Olympics .
3 The fishing , the slides of Tenerife were all irrelevant ; he should have been dealing with Steen .
4 In analysing the new acting Ferguson was nearer the mark when he suggested that the movies were now coming up with richer and more vital people but Daugherty 's comments serve to remind us that techniques and styles which should have been feeding into a new cinema of experimentation and realism were being used rather to bolster old conventions of melodrama .
5 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
6 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with and what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
7 A dispute with Telecom engineers is holding up the company 's first link in London , and Mercury 's first inter-city line — which should have been operating by now — will not open until next year .
8 ‘ The irony is that I did n't realise till Christmas , when I knew I loved you , that it was someone like you I should have been looking for all these years since . ’
9 We do not buy live poultry from the local market and carry it home squawking and then wring its neck , nor do we insist that the fish we order in a restaurant should have been swimming about only moments before .
10 At half past three Kaptan and I should have been reading from one of the textbooks but , in fact , I was lying in the Colonel 's hammock while Kaptan , with his inexhaustible energy , was trying to catch frogs .
11 Even before he was consecrated , and perhaps as soon as he was elected , at a moment when , by ordinary rules of prudence , he should have been thinking of equipping himself with all the forms of expert knowledge required by his new position , he chose one of the group of English monks to be his closest and most constant companion .
12 Well , by April 1982 , surely the Cabinet should have been thinking about it .
13 But with the Official Custodian sending back these investments , the trustees will have to think of what they should have been thinking about years ago : management of their trust funds . ’
14 She should have been thinking about the boys ' tea , and about Frederick 's dinner .
15 A TRIAL was halted yesterday after complaints that magistrates had fallen asleep when they should have been listening to evidence .
16 HMS Reading should have been coming in the other direction .
17 Edward Nundy , 55 , of Southend , Essex , was allegedly seen at his boat when he should have been working for Car Buyer magazine .
18 We have worked with the Government when we should have been working against it .
19 They should have been negotiating over the location of the European monetary institute and of a subsequent European central bank in the City of London , but they have never even raised those questions , despite the fact that , of all the countries of the European Community , the location of the central bank has much the greatest importance for Britain .
20 She should have been rebelling against her parents , not against him .
21 My whole thinking , every waking moment should have been concentrating on the 100 metres in which I was still convinced , despite losing to Carl in Madrid earlier in the season , that I could take the gold medal .
22 ‘ Well , you should have been concentrating on what you were saying .
23 In Imperial Gothic he should have been praying to the God-Emperor for help .
24 And what 's impressive is they 're doing research that we should have been doing for years !
25 As we become more successful in delivering health care in the community , we discover things that we should have been doing in the past but have not done .
26 ‘ They should have been waiting on Victoria station , checking each train that came in . ’
27 Luke and Sonny knew he was coming on the afternoon train ; they should have been waiting at the railway station with the horse and trap .
28 At best , he should have been waiting until the morning and then politely requesting a desk and a telephone and an interpreter somewhere in the back reaches of their Counter-Terrorism building .
29 On his return Geoffrey should have been waiting in the wings to assist him into his pirate coat — the hook attached to the sleeve rendered it cumbersome .
30 So why the population should have been growing on this scale I think is er a question that we ca n't answer very easily .
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