Example sentences of "[modal v] have [to-vb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Department numbers and how you spend it so you must have to fill this card in I should think The only the only department is the cosmetics that 's not we 'll ask when we get there .
2 This is your room , hello , we 'll have to fix that bulb , may I ask you not to flush the toilet between the hours of eleven at night and seven in the morning while the sanitation department is still in , do n't be alarmed , cockroaches are a way of life in this part of the world , the gekkos are friendly too , although they wo n't eat the spiders .
3 Here , I 'll have to draw that line on again anyway , is daylight .
4 ’ I 'll have to set this report aside . ’
5 Right then we 'll have to move that bed a bit .
6 ‘ By Jove , we 'll have to put some time in then ! ’
7 It wo n't go any tighter , you 'll have to put more paper in it if you wan na
8 I 'll have to put another battery in .
9 I 'll have to give this floor a wipe again .
10 So we say , oh well , we can do it , but we 'll have to invent another sort of number .
11 Well we 'll have to watch that boiler .
12 We 'll have to watch that pond though leaves next year .
13 Although we 'll have to sell that house .
14 ‘ We 'll have to see each other occasionally .
15 is , yeah , that will do , but it 'll have to go that way
16 They 'll have to go that side .
17 You 'll have to go another time wo n't you ?
18 We ca n't go back again , we 'll have to go this way .
19 ‘ I 'll have to take that risk .
20 You 'll have to take some money with you .
21 You 'll have to take some washing out .
22 We 'll have to take this thing to Ken 's .
23 You 'll have to carry that stigma around with you for the rest of your life .
24 If you think that this assignment is , is sort of preferable to the ones that you 've been looking , you could all choose this one , you 'll have to do some recording like the others on your own machines , but you could
25 I 'll have to do some work .
26 Yeah , we 'll have to do some work
27 I 'll get ill I 'll die , he 'll have to do another resurrection job .
28 I 'll have to do more washing .
29 I 'll have to anaesthetise this monkey if I have to set its arm , and I 'm not sure of the capabilities of the Sunday staff . ’
30 Well lads , he says , I 'm sorry you 'll have to wait another hour .
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